as all twenty four of use lined up on the line. All I could fill was the pressure of not catching a calf, but then he dropped the hat and all I thought about for the rest of the night was. What am I going to name my Calf Scramble project. The next day I remember waking up and asking myself did I really just catch a calf in Houston. Then from that day on all I was doing was reshering what breed of animals I wanted to pick, and one breed caught my eye. I think back on that day and ask myself what made me pick this breed and I would say that I have chosen this breed before and I had settled on it co to me already knowing what to do with her. So I went to the Breeder that I had used before and his name is DOC Simpson. Now I had gone to him before and I thought that maybe I should go to him again, and trust me it was not the drive that made me want to choose him again. What made me choose DOC Simpson as my bree
der for the second time was his compassion and the time spent on his herard. So then I called DOC Simpson and told him that I was looking for another heifer for a scramble project. He told me that he had the perfect heifer in mind. So I started ro get the place ready for her and once I felt that the place was good enough for her we hooked up the trali and went to get her. Little did I know that she was going to be the rudest heifer that I have ever showed. When I got her home I realized what her name was going to be and then I saw how she was acting and that remind me of a name my dad told me about, and that was Suzzie Q.
So once I had her name I had to figure out what I was going to do with my other heifer Mady. The only thing I could think of is what if they don't get along. At first when we opened the trailer door Mady came running up like a bull in the rodeo ring, and as soon as they meet they started to buttheads. At that moment I feared that they were going to never get along, but then they started to walk around and from that point on they were best of friends. That was the day that I need to start getting ready for shows. The next day I was outside working on her feet, her hair, and how she worked with a stick. That day I realized that what doc told me was true, and that was that she has never had a person work hard as need to get her show …show more content…
The following weeks flow by like nothing, and it was time for a show.
So I started to prep my show box and trailer. I cleaned the box and the trailer, I got all my brushes back together and refilled my sope. Then it came time to leave so we loade Mady and Suzzie and we left for the show. When we got there and we were unloading Suzzie when Mady got loose from my dad and I had to chaser her all through the barn, but other then that it went very well. The next day that I got to the barn we had to start cleaning Suzzie up for her first big show and I was worried, but when it came time for me to start working it all just became nothing. The way that we got her show ready was by blowing her out to get all of the dirt out of her hair, then giving her a bath to get her smelling pretty like a girl. Then I blow her hair out to get her hair dry, and to get her hair to point the right way. Then I started to brusher her to get her hair just right once I got it how I wanted. That's when they called my class, and when I got there they sent me in. So I went in they told me to set her up for a butt profile, then a side profile. Then the judge started to place. Sadly he did not thank that we were that good. He placed use in sixth. I would have licked to have done better but it is what it is. So we load up and went home we would have to do this many more time all the time we would place in a different place, but this year in the Wilson County Show I was able to win my shorthorn class with
Suzzie’s help.
Every day that I am not at a show I am constantly working on how Suzzie looks and how she works, and we are waiting for the Houston Stock Show and Rodeo. That is all that has happened this year with Suzzie I wish I could have more to tell you about. I hope that you have enjoyed this year as much as I have with Suzzie as my project.