Rock climbing is a very athletic sport that requires a lot of upper body strength.
Some people do it for fun and others do it to gain endurance in their strength. Also, depending where you climb there are some great heights involved. In other places, it could just be an indoor gym that may require the same amount or more of psychical strength. Sometimes it’s just a carnival game to win a stuffed animal for your date or little sister. Rock climbing doesn’t even have to be about physical strength. It can be about clearing your mind after a hard day in the office or just a way to relax while keeping fit. To some …show more content…
rock climbing may seem like a challenge and to others it can feel like paradise. I have never tried rock climbing before and as of now I have not given it a second thought to why. Probably due to the fact, I am not in the best physical shape. I assume people who rock climb would need to have some physical strength to do it. With training, I know I could improve my strength to help me succeed but I don’t know when I would have the time for it. I would have to do indoor rock climbing because I have a fear of heights. Even in the indoor gym, I probably wouldn’t even make it all the way to the top because of my fear. I know I shouldn’t let that stop me but sometimes as human beings, we let our fear take over to stop us from trying new things. If fear can influence behaviors, imagine how different some people would be if they didn’t let their fears stop them. If I had tried rock climbing at some point in my life (and possibly enjoyed it) I would more than likely be in better shape than what I am in now.
I would not be as lazy and work ahead of time when it came to school or other actions that need to be done ahead of time. I’d be more determined to focus and try harder on subjects that challenge me instead of giving up as soon as it gets hard. I would also use rock climbing to overcome my fear of heights. It is not an overbearing phobia where I can’t drive over freeway bridges without freaking out. It’s more like the higher I am from the ground the more I realize I am not being able to touch the ground and that is what freaks me out. I don’t think rock climbing will eliminate the fear, but I think it would help me cope with it. It’s fascinating how just thinking about rock climbing being a part of my life would change how I think about myself and my
actions. A fun sport for some and a horrifying for others, rock climbing may be an adventure just waiting to change my life. My fear of heights may stop me from even trying to rock climb but if I ever did, I think I would enjoy it.