I chose to where my BYU hoodie because it symbolizes my future focused prospective. Collage had been a huge focus in my life sense I was really little. This BYU hoodie also represents my religion. I am a Mormon. Being a Mormon is a huge defining factor in my life. My religion influences every decision I make in my life, the people I talk to, the substances I consume, the language I use, and the way I conduct myself as a woman. My religion is part of me.
Now religion is important, but there are other things in my life that define who I am. The water in the background of this …show more content…
As a young child my mom always worried about me because I had no fear. I didn't like being told what to do and I would do my own thing. One of the things that worried her the most was my sense of adventure. I would run around and jump in puddles, climb dirt hills and climb trees. As I get older it becomes more extreme, for instance every year I now go cliff diving. My mom loved when we were outside but my recklessness certainly made it interesting. I have fallen out of quite a few trees in my day but this made me stronger. I am a very independent person. My independence has cause my drive in making my life the way I want. I won't let anyone or anything stand in my way. Hanging upside down from this tree represents my craziness, my adventure, my freedom, and my drive. I am a strong independent person. My independences often comes off as rude but honestly I just don't have time to sugar code things. If I want to get where I want to go in life, I have to work for it. As I’m working my way to the top I will enjoy the good things. I may not vocalize it but I do recognize the