We all have dreams of making a better life for ourselves. My dream is to become
the first person in my family to get a college education. I want desperately to become a
Radiological Technician. This goal may not seem like a big deal to some people but for
me it would be a way out of my oppressive heritage. In my family, the highest level of
education is barely a high school diploma .This is not because my family is not intelligent
enough to get a high school diploma or a college degree, but growing up in a home with
only one parent, we didn't have a lot of resources. I would like to put an end to this
vicious cycle and to prove to my family, my children, and myself that it can be done.
However, life has taken me down a path …show more content…
filled with obstacles. These obstacles have at
times caused me to become discouraged and frustrated in my quest to better myself.How-
ever, they have also made me into the strong, courageous, and determined woman that I
am today.
The first obstacle that I had to overcome was my family. I come from a large
Italian-Catholic family. There are seven of us, and I am the baby. Four boys and three
girls. My mother, who by the time she had me, was forty and worn out, and was tired of
kids. Therefore, she neglected me. In addition, she was not a very affectionate person.
There were no hugs and kisses, nor any words of encouragement. However, in her
defense, she had endured a lot by the time I was born. She had no education, her marriage
to my father had failed because he was emotionally and physically abusive. He also did
not support the family financially, so mom had to shoulder this burden on her own. She
worked the graveyard shift at a nursing home as a nursing assistant. So, needless to say
she slept all day and I had to basically care for myself. My siblings, because they are all
older than me, were either at school or their job and too busy to worry about me.
Sundays, were the only good days. This was family day. We went to mass in the
morning and mom would spend all day cooking a big meal, which usually consisted of
pasta. Although, it was family day, it sure was not a day of love. My siblings would take
the time to fight among themselves and subsequently, torture me. The only part of the
day I really enjoyed was mass.
I loved the smells of the incense, and the sounds of the
organs. I loved the feeling of peace, and I would get the strength I needed to survive
another week with my family.
The next obstacle was school. When I started, I did not know what to expect.
I had no idea who I was or what to expect. Living with all the negativity, lack of parental
guidance, and lack of love, had made a huge impact on my self-concept as an individual,
I did not have one. Furthermore, because I was not raised in a positive environment with
sensitive and loving caregivers, I had no basic trust. I was petrified of everyone and ever-
ything. My world was all about fear. Consequently, I had no self-esteem and latched
myself onto the "wrong crowd". In seventh grade, I started smoking and drinking. I was
only thirteen, and I thought I was cool. It was the beginning of the end for me. I did not
realize this until years later, but I was trying to cure myself; I was self-medicating. When
I was drunk, I felt good about myself. Then, I had all the self-esteem I needed. Most
importantly, I had friends who cared about me. I did not have to worry about
judging me, or ignoring me, they liked to hang-out with me. However, I knew that if I
stayed on this path, I would end up exactly like my family; poor and un-educated. I was
at the point that I did not care though. This was the first time in my life that I felt good
about myself. I was not too concerned with the fact that it was not the right path.
The day I turned sixteen, I quit school. Yes, just like my mother and five of my
siblings.( Only one of us had actually graduated from high school and as soon as he did
joined the Air Force and left). I wanted to do the same thing but did not have the courage.
I was afraid to give up the alcohol and the drugs because I knew as soon as I did all the
old negative feelings and thoughts would come back, and I would not be good enough
again. My mom still worked the graveyard shift at the nursing home and still did not pay
too much attention to what I did. My siblings had their own families, and still did not
have anytime for me. I was still on my own! The only people who cared about me were
my friends. I could count on them, and the alcohol and the drugs to be there for me. Then
one tragic accident would give me the strength and the courage to break free.
In July of nineteen eighty nine, when I was seventeen years old, my friends and
I made plans to meet up at our usual hang out. (A bar on the east side of town). Even
though we were all under age, this place was more concerned with making money than
checking IDS. It was about ten o'clock at night when we all met, and we had our usual
night of drinking and smoking weed. At about two o'clock in the morning, the bar closed,
and we all went our separate ways. The next morning, I woke up to the sound of my
stereo. The radio station was in the middle of a newsbreak, and newscaster was talking
about a fatal car accident that had occurred that morning, involving a teenager. The next
thing I recall was racing to the phone. Without knowing the reason why, I was trying to
call on my friends, because I just had a "feeling" that it was one of us. Sadly it was one of
us. It was Tony, the only one of us, who owned a car. After we left the bar that night,
Tony, got into his car and attempted to drive home. The police spotted him on the road,
and we can only assume he was driving erratically, and they tried to pull him over.
Instead of pulling over, Tony attempted to outrun them, and led the police on a high
speed chase through the city. Eventually, he lost control of the car and wrapped it around
a tree. According to the coroners report, he died on impact. Unfortunately, this tragic
accident of my friend, was the wake up call I needed. I knew that if I did not get back on
the right path, I would end up the same way.
Not only was Tony's death the wake up call I needed, his funeral was the key for
me. It reminded me of the peace that I once felt as a child when I went to mass. In
addition, it gave me the strength that I would need to face the demons and get my life
back on track. I knew that my faith in God would give me all the courage and strength
I needed to get back to my dream.
I needed a new beginning. I stopped drinking and doing drugs and went back to
school. I was not able to enroll back in my high school, but I was able to enroll in a
program at the YWCA so that I could get my GED. I also found a job and went through
a training program to become a Certified Nursing Assistant and planned on attending
nursing school. Then, I met my husband. I could not believe that I could actually meet
someone who loved me as much as he did/does and wanted to spend his life with me. The
only problem, he had enlisted in the army and his duty station was in another state. So
again, I was faced with another obstacle, but this time it was a "GOOD" one. This
obstacle, instead of making me miserable, would make me happy. Although, I still had
a choice to make, education or love. I chose love. I had never experienced love in my life,
so when I had the chance, I took it. I was determined to have an education, but I was also
determined to have love.
We married in December, nineteen ninety-one, and moved to Oklahoma. Within
the first year of our marriage our son was born. Right after my son's birth, we received
orders for Germany. While in Germany, my daughter was born. I still wanted to pursue
my dream but I also wanted to be a mother to my children. I did not want them to have
the childhood that I did. I wanted my children to know love. The past fourteen years has
been focused on my children and family. My children have known love everyday of their
lives. Now that I have made sure my children are well adjusted and happy, I can focus
my attention back on education and achieve my dream.
We all have dreams, and we all have obstacles, the important thing is to overcome
the obstacles and never lose sight of the dreams. All the obstacles that I have overcome in
my life have taught me to be a survivor. They have given me courage, strength, and the
determination to continue going after my dream, and to be the best that I can be.