I believe in motivation because it can change your life one day. One day i was at my Madrina’s house in the dining room talking about life and the future when i cousin walks in and sites down with us. My mom asked him what he wanted to with his life because he’s going to be graduating soon since he’s a junior. When i mom asked him he looked a little embarrassed and awkward. He finally started to answer my mom's question on what he wants to do and he said he really doesn’t know , but he going to try to get a baseball scholarship and if that doesn’t work out then he's going to be a policeman. We all looked at him in shocked because we have never thought of him being a policeman before. His mom entered the conversation saying that she wants him to join the navy or …show more content…
something similar to that , but he keeps refusing.
So we had to break it down for him saying that he should join something like that because you can get a good education and also its free plus what are the chances of going to war in 4 years it's most likely not going to happen , but if he joined the police force then their is a bigger chance of him getting hurt or killed because you never know what going to happen. We also had to explain to him that he doesn’t have all his A-G Requirements so he can't go to any schools in the state , so there's a low chance of him getting into any good colleges out here. So that's when i popped in and said why don't you have all you A-G requirements dude? That's when his mom told me that he wasn’t motivated and didn’t care that much. But then once he hit his junior year he realized that he should get his grades up , but unfortunately it was already too late for him because he’s going to be starting his senior year pretty soon.And that's when i realized that That's a perfect example of someone who isn’t motivated. Because if you aren’t motivated then you won’t make it to your goal in the end and won’t become successful in life. So know i want to better myself so my future will
be bright and successful. My mom plays a really big part in my life because she’s always there to motivate me to do big and better things and to never follow in her footsteps because she wants better for me. Ever since i was 4 years old my mom pushed me to be athletic and do soccer and i am super thankful for her doing that being now i really LOVE soccer , it's my life and hopefully i will get a scholarship because thats my goals in life , but it's not my only goal. I have many goals in life and many backup plans just in case. That's another thing my mom has taught me she said to never give up and motivate yourself to do better than the next day , so that why i have a lot of goals in life.I believe in motivation and if you believe in motivation then you are going to be successful in life. Always remember that in life , never forget.