The environment I grew up in was a very bad neighborhood. The house we lived in, was in very horrible condition and accidents always happening around our surroundings. With my dad always out, struggling to work for us to always have food on the table and clothes on our bodies and my older brother always out doing things he wasn't supposed to do, we as a family never had time to talk about how our days went or what was on minds. A few years passed,my older sister Rosie, was 9 at the time, got into a car accident and sadly passed away. We as a family went through a tough time. My mother and father then decided that it was best for us to move into a more stable and friendly environment for my older brother, my soon to…
My Seven Habits Profile indicates that I am very good in the areas of Seek First To Understand, Then To Be Understood, Being Proactive, and my weakest area was Sharpening The Saw.…
Growing up with all my close friends I noticed how close they were with their fathers. They all had such a special bond and it made me feel different. My biological father was never really a part of my life, but I do have my stepfather and our relationship has been a little different than most “father-daughter relationships.”…
As an avid reader, I always understood and appreciated what it took to get that story to print. Especially since I always found it so difficult to take the ideas from head and articulate that point whether it be written or verbal. As the five weeks have passed I am becoming more aware of what my challenges and my strengths are in my writing.…
I enjoyed the interview and speaking with you about the opportunity to work with your company. My experience in counseling, has open many opportunities to a better career. Your organization is great, and I believe, that I am great for the position and can bring great ideas to help our school even more.…
Filled with nervous excitement, my ten-year-old-self ran to the bulletin board eager to discover whether or not he was accepted to the choir. As he read the list of who were chosen, his heart sank; he was not on the list. “Maybe I should give up singing ” he thought; “Maybe my voice is not good enough”. However, he refused to despair; he was determined to achieve his goals despite this failure.…
There are many influences on emotional behavior like personality, culture, gender, social convention, and more, but one that I have a constant struggle with and try to address, is fear of self-disclosure, which means the fear of revealing information about himself or herself to another and risk unpleasant consequences. I'm one of those people that tries to be honest all the time, but deep down I usually don't disclose really deep personal things about me. It's not that I'm afraid of what people will think because people will always judge. I'm not here to please everyone, just the people I care about. It's that I personally feel vulnerable. I don't want to show vulnerability in front of others. I do disclose personal information about myself…
I had a lot of failures in my short lifetime. Some of the failures I have done have done a lot of…
As a child my mother and father divorced when I was three years old. my entire life I could only see my father on some weekends and sometimes in the summer. I feel that this has damaged the potential relationship that my father and I could of had. When my parents divorced my mother later married another person and he was my step-father for 14 years. We grew really close and then abruptly I received news of a divorce happening between my mother and step-father. This was a terrible year of my life. We were left with slim to no money, my mother struggled to make ends meet, and she had to raise my three little sisters and I. Seeing my family struggle tore me down, and at times I had very little hope. Eventually I overcame the overwhelming feelings of divorce and my mother did as well. Going through both divorces was the most difficult challenge I have had to overcome in my life. In a way it is a good thing that things played out the way they did. I am happy with myself, and my goals that I have for the…
Who am I? That has always been an essential question for as long as I can remember. I never really understood why we had to answer that question along the way, but I’m now a senior at SJPII and I still have no idea who I am. It really bothers me that for 16 years I still haven’t figured out who I am. Constantly going from class to class and making new friends I still can’t pin point who the “real” me is.…
Ralph Waldo Emerson once said “To be yourself in a world that is trying to make you something else is a great accomplishment”. A question such as “who am I”? Really gives me the opportunity to differentiate and express who I really am and who I can be. I am not a complex person who thinks the world is against me, nor am I overly sophisticated “know-it-all” who doesn't take time to pay attention to my surroundings. I can't say that I am like every other person because there are certain things that make me a unique individual. What I can say is that I am progressing towards a brighter future.…
Even though my parents are divorced now I still remain really close to both sides of the family. A lot has happened in the past but we all still care about each other. Before I even existed my grandparents were making sure that my mom and dad had everything they needed to start a family. I can’t say that I’m closer to one side of the family than the other because both sides have done so much for me. They’ve made sure that we had roof over our head, money to buy groceries, and something to drive. I love my family more than anything and I don’t know what I would do without…
Zero. I had zero friends as I walked in through the metal high school doors. My middle school had split into two high schools, and I was left with all my best friends going to a different school than me.…
I believe in playing the game of life: The game that I play when I find myself too caught up in life’s many ups and downs, the game that keeps my mind off the monotony of everyday routine. I believe in shooting targets just to see how many bull’s eyes I can hit, fearless of missing it, because it’s always nice to know that if I do miss, or if I fail to achieve my goals, it just means that I’ll try it again.…
A couple of days latter I found myself dialoguing with him via text message. I exchanged texts with him while working, on and off for an entire day. There was no attempt on his part at flirtation, suggestion, or trying to negotiate the boundary that I put in place. I wondered if I was giving him mixed message since in fact I was not being clear with him. He did put his toe in the water in terms of starting a flirtation, though it was after I accidentally gave him an opening. I referred to myself as a blunt straightforward vixen, not afraid to speak her mind, for which he responded…