Ever since she was a little girl, Tiana wanted to own a restaurant. Everyone said that she couldn’t get enough money to buy the building, but she didn’t quit. She believed in herself and knew that nothing could stop her. I want to become an artist, but creating and improving my art is hard and frustrating. But I’m still going to become an artist. I know that I won’t regret
Tiana had to work hard to get her restaurant. She had to have two jobs and barely slept, but that didn’t matter. She knows that dreams won’t come true without hard work. I need to practice drawing, so my art can improve. It takes a lot of effort, but in the end, it’s worth the effort.
She has good relationships too. All her friends care about her, even the ones that were barely on-screen for 5 minutes. They were worried she was working too hard and not getting enough rest. Charlotte had to force Tiana to take a break. Charlotte was also there when the Fenner brothers humiliated and disrespected Tiana. Tiana is there for her friends too. She saved Naveen by breaking the talisman instead of giving it to Dr. Facilier. He could have given her everything she wanted, but it wasn’t worth sacrificing one of her friends. She taught me that a good friend cares about you.
I admire Princess Tiana because she is everything I aspire to be. She never gave up on her dreams, even when it seemed impossible. She was willing to work hard to get where she is now. And she knows what it means to be a true friend. She influenced me by showing me that I can be anything if I work hard enough.