destroyed like mine was. Every time I got an F, there would be a huge fight which ended with me leaving the house and being alone. Every time my brother got an F, they would just tell him to try harder next time. I was always pissed off from the seventh grade to my freshman year in high school until I met a girl at the beginning of that same year. They say that the most powerful person in your life is the one who knows all your secrets and all your lies. She was this person and I thought that she was the best thing in my life. Even my parents couldn’t crush the confidence and happiness that she gave me, until a week later when I was dumped. After what I thought was the lowest point in my life it got lower. She spread lies about why she dumped me, I found out she was cheating on me when we were going out, and the worst of it was that after the breakup she became mentally and emotionally abusive to me and I couldn’t do anything about it. After that I thought that the low point couldn’t get any lower, but the last good thing in my life proved me wrong. Aristotle once said “A true friend is one soul in two bodies.” I thought I had a group of friends that would help me though the pain of my break up, but they only made it worse. They would make sexual jokes about me and my ex-girlfriend. At first I ignored it, but they wouldn’t stop no matter how many times I asked them to. Finally I snapped one day and I just wouldn’t sit with them until my sophomore year. I thought I would give them another chance but they still wouldn’t quit picking on me until they just ditched me and I became a loner. Out of all that happened to me the thing that hurt me the most is that my best friend said that all I do is hurt people, that I cause people to commit suicide. Now I am an emo loner who helps people. They say that people on antidepressants are still depressed and some are forced to take them by law. I have had my diseased parents think I am the scum of this earth. I have had my heart ripped out of my chest by a psycho chick. I have had my friends destroy every little bit of happiness that I had left in my body. I have even tried to kill myself for those reasons. If anyone is forced, by law, to take antidepressants, I should be, but instead I chose to be an antidepressant. I chose to help people with their problems and to talk people out of suicide. All of what happened to me has screwed me up and I feel sorry for all the normal people in the world, because when the apocalypse comes, all the normal people are going to be freaking out while all us screwed up people are going to be, “hey, no one is watching the car dealership.”
destroyed like mine was. Every time I got an F, there would be a huge fight which ended with me leaving the house and being alone. Every time my brother got an F, they would just tell him to try harder next time. I was always pissed off from the seventh grade to my freshman year in high school until I met a girl at the beginning of that same year. They say that the most powerful person in your life is the one who knows all your secrets and all your lies. She was this person and I thought that she was the best thing in my life. Even my parents couldn’t crush the confidence and happiness that she gave me, until a week later when I was dumped. After what I thought was the lowest point in my life it got lower. She spread lies about why she dumped me, I found out she was cheating on me when we were going out, and the worst of it was that after the breakup she became mentally and emotionally abusive to me and I couldn’t do anything about it. After that I thought that the low point couldn’t get any lower, but the last good thing in my life proved me wrong. Aristotle once said “A true friend is one soul in two bodies.” I thought I had a group of friends that would help me though the pain of my break up, but they only made it worse. They would make sexual jokes about me and my ex-girlfriend. At first I ignored it, but they wouldn’t stop no matter how many times I asked them to. Finally I snapped one day and I just wouldn’t sit with them until my sophomore year. I thought I would give them another chance but they still wouldn’t quit picking on me until they just ditched me and I became a loner. Out of all that happened to me the thing that hurt me the most is that my best friend said that all I do is hurt people, that I cause people to commit suicide. Now I am an emo loner who helps people. They say that people on antidepressants are still depressed and some are forced to take them by law. I have had my diseased parents think I am the scum of this earth. I have had my heart ripped out of my chest by a psycho chick. I have had my friends destroy every little bit of happiness that I had left in my body. I have even tried to kill myself for those reasons. If anyone is forced, by law, to take antidepressants, I should be, but instead I chose to be an antidepressant. I chose to help people with their problems and to talk people out of suicide. All of what happened to me has screwed me up and I feel sorry for all the normal people in the world, because when the apocalypse comes, all the normal people are going to be freaking out while all us screwed up people are going to be, “hey, no one is watching the car dealership.”