Jennifer Thompson was a straight-A student at Elon University in Burlington, North Carolina. She had her life all planned out: maintain straight A’s, graduate with a 4.0 GPA, and marry her boyfriend, Paul. Jennifer said frightened “Who is that? Whose there?” I said, “Allowing myself to think it must be Paul, or someone playing a stupid joke” (12). Then suddenly she looked and saw a stranger in her room. Before she knew it, she was getting raped. During her attack, she made sure she paid attention to her attacker’s features and his voice. The rapist began to hiss “Shut up or I’ll cut you!” he hissed, “while clamping a glove hand down her mouth” (12). He proceeded to brutally rape her, with a knife at her throat. “I’m afraid of knives.” I told him, “I can’t relax until you put it down. Can you put it outside? On my car?” (15-16). Jennifer stayed as calm as possible, trying to remember as many details about her assailant as she could, until she managed to escape. She tried staying calm and having conversations with this man and stayed calm the entire time. When she had the chance and knew he wasn’t there she began to run and was shouting for help. As she ran screaming to the top of her lungs a nice family opened the door and let her in. They took care of Jennifer and took her to the hospital. Through an inept summary and analysis of Picking Cotton, readers will be able to understand key points throughout the book, and determine why or why not they should pursue reading the book.…
Michael tried to help his friend, but unfortunately the other men were too strong and beat Michael up for a good two minutes. That's when the men's girlfriends came outside ,and stop their boyfriends from beating us anymore. Michael said to lewis, “Are you ok” with a groan of pain. Lewis replied with a slurred, “No my jaws broken also they look my jacket. Michael said, “ I told you not to wear those nice things’’ That's when a man who worked at the burger place came outside to help us. He asked us, “ Are you okay?’’ We said at the same time, “not really but we're still good enough to walk.” We said with a moan. He asked if we wanted the police to be called. We said ,’’no.’’ that's when we got up ,and walked home. Michael had managed to cover himself from a lot of the hits ,but as for Lewis he might have had a broken nose ,and a broken jaw and was missing some teeth that's when they started walking home ,and a Ford pickup truck drove by and screamed out don't look at our girls. Michael notice the license plate ,and memorized it. For he would get his revenge personally this is why the police would not be…
He goes to the hoop. He jumps, hanging in the air for what felt like eternity. It was his second game. Brought up from the D-League, he needed to prove himself. His name is Jeff “Elmo” Beige. As the ball is coming down, closer to the hoop another individual comes into play. The name is unnecessary to know, but the man is key to Jeff’s story. The man jumps. He didn’t have to, but he did it anyway. His six-foot ten body could have easily blocked the shot on Jeff’s six-foot five structure. As Jeff’s hand with the ball comes crashing toward the net the man’s hand makes contact with the ball. The ball doesn't even touch the rim. Rejected at the rim. Jeff’s career is over at that very moment. One block defined his whole basketball career. Such a dejected ending for a fantastic story.…
Monday- I am ready to stat week 4!! I like being in the office but I prefer being in the back. It entirely too much drama going on in here today. The woman training me is really on her last strike and she just seems to be getting on everyone nerves (including mines). I look forward to a better tomorrow.…
Jennifer recounted every detail she could remember from earlier that night. She described everything from his body height, to facial hair, to the smell that flooded her nose as he touched her body in a volatile way without her consent. Although Jennifer’s life would never be the same, one thing the rapist did not take from her was her determination. In fact, he only increases her…
She was born on a busy summer night on September 13th 1918 in Brookline, Massachusetts. I always had the feeling that Rosie was a little different from the rest of us. On the day of her birth the midwife arrived late, and my theory is that this action deprived her brain of oxygen. We were proven right when she failed to advance from kindergarten and was deemed to suffer from intellectual disabilities. When this happened our parents began to conceal their third child from society.…
I once lived an American Dream in Midwest America through the vision of a perfect stranger who went on to become my soul friend. He used to live in a tiny town called Perham in Minnesota. The town had a population of only 1,000 people at that time (this was in 1990). He was a typical American jock. He used to love everything his country could offer a rowdy all American white boy: blonde women, fast food, fast cars, American football, beer, and the chance to pick up fights at college fraternity parties. He was full of American capitalism. His name was James Scott Morris. I fondly called him, Jimmy boy.…
When John left home at sixteen he did not return, he did keep in touch with his mom, but never talked about his parents. During their visit Laurel states to John how wonderful his mom is, and John smiled and said, “But she didn’t protect me from him” (50). Jack Schroeder sexual abuse of John came in the form of discipline, taken place in the basement. The older Schroeder would tell John, “C’mere. Take down your pants.” And afterwards leave John crying, when his own mom would tell him “Jack is just teasing, honey- you know he’s just teasing,” or, “if you could learn not to cry, honey, that’s what sets him off he just can’t bear it.”(55) John learns not to cry then his mother tells him after years of sexual abuse, “If you could cry, John. Like you used to. He thinks you’re taunting him, you never cry.” (62) How could his mom save him, she was lost herself. John tells us that most mornings he awoke to “ Jacks indignant voice and of Miriam no sound except perhaps muffled sobs, the faintest and most futile of protest, the sound of shame, the sound of the most ignominious and complete defeat: the very erasure of the human…
What comes to your mind when you hear the word hero? My kind of hero is one that will try as hard as they can even if they know they can’t do anything to help it or make it better. My kind of hero is one that will fight even if it wont get them anywhere. My kind of hero is one that will be selfless when it comes to others. And when I think of a hero I think of a very strong special somebody that will do anything for anyone just to consider there feelings. My kind of hero is my little man Wyatt.…
Allison’s body tensed. If David, or Lathan — whoever he was — was going to do something she knew it had to be soon. She was going to run all right. But she had no intentions of running away. She only wished that she had a knife or her car keys. Anything that she could use as a weapon against the glittery prick. At the thought of her keys, Allison’s hand brushed against her pockets. Her hand darted inside of her left pocket and retrieved one of the ballpoint pens she’d pocketed in the grocery. It’s not much, her fingertips pushed the cap off before she walked the pen body down to hold it like a dagger, but it’s better than nothing.…
It is evident from this statement that Jim did not want to talk about his childhood because the thoughts caused him great pain. This pain, I believe, is the main factor for his substance use disorder. Jim used alcohol and illegal substances throughout his life to quiet and submerge the painful memories of his childhood. The constant moving in Jim’s childhood meant that he learned to make new friends quickly, but he also learned not to get too close. This learned inability to open up and trust people caused Jim to feel disconnected from society and his peers.…
Have you ever had to let go of someone who you loved? We decided to go on a picnic at my aunt lisa's house one summer day of pizza and lemonade in her backyard with my brother and my sister and my dad and my mom and my grandpa me my brother and sister were playing on a slip and slide my dad and grandpa were watching tv and after playing on the slip and slide i ate some pizza and my aunt said that she needed to use the john when she came back she was not the same because she was moving in her chair a weird way then she was letting off a weird stench than her eyes rolled up in her head i could only see white in her eyes i tried shaking her than i started to cry and scream to my mom she called an ambulance and that was the first time i rode…
It was a ferociously gloomy day in the heart of Center City. The time of the observation was from 11:43 am to 12:43pm. Sandwiched between 15th street and John F. Kennedy Boulevard is the Philadelphia's Municipal Services Building and within the plaza of the building lies Board Game Park. Even in the rain, the park was festive. Upon arriving, it began to drizzle. The drizzle was light enough for me to sit by a statue that was composed of multiple bodies piled on top of one another. The noises heard ranged from rain dropping, to horns honking to people laughing or shouting. In the surrounding area of the Board Game Park is Love Park with its remarkable LOVE sculpture and fountain, which was spewing pink water in support of Breast Cancer Awareness…
When asked to write about a childhood experience most people think of the time they lost their first tooth when they were 6, or about the time they started school when they were 5, however, I’m going to write about summer. It wasn’t just any summer it was the summer that I went to the lake with my Dad and Papa. I was about 4 and couldn’t be any more excited about what was going to happen…
Throughout my life I have encountered many circumstances that have shaped me into the person I am today. I was born in Moroleon, Guanajuato, Mexico. I attended school in Mexico all the way to second grade. In the summer of 2006 I moved to Cumming, Georgia. It was the hardest thing to do because I left everything that I care the most about. We lived in a trailer which was not the nicest place and in the middle of the forest. I started school at the beginning of August. I had always loved school so I was so excited for the first day. I knew it was going to be hard because I would have to conquer so many obstacles on the way. At this time the only English I knew was probably counting from one to ten and some of the colors. My Father knew some…