She was not aggressive, but sometimes would say “Mine!” when other kids wanted to play with her toy. However Maud gradually learns to better get along with other children by smiling at them and giving up the toy. Vygotsky believed that complex mental activities, such as “voluntary attention, deliberate memory, categorization, and problem solving, have their origins in social interaction”. Rough joint activities with more mature members of their society, children master activities and think in ways that have meaning in their culture. (Berk, 2012, p. 254).Vygotsky’s theory applies to my practices in a way that I allow Maud to interact with different people, as he is very social and he desires to be with people. I would take to places kids play, my friend’s house his grandparents’ house to get opportunities to engage in and interacting with children and adult. I think the opportunity of interaction and being social, combined with his own temperament influence greatly how easily and smoothly. When he was two years the he was unusually cooperative with others for a child his age and also engage play older cousin. He was find fine sharing the toy or starts playing with another toy so the other child have. Maud was able to grow socially and cooperative …show more content…
Bowlby and Ainsworth's work describe the stages of attachment and how the development of secure attachment increases the survival for a baby. Secure attachment can be identified by a baby that “May or may not cry when the mother leaves, but when she returns, the baby wants to be with her and if the baby is crying it stops.” (Berk, 2012, p. 273) In terms of Maud s development he was secure attachment stage during his infancy and toddlerhood. He was very attached to all of his primary caregivers just s his grandmother, mother, father and I. My family and friends would told me that it was clear that Maud had a strong and secure attachment bond with me During infancy Maud and I make good connection bond , he was at same room as I was every night until age of three. Every night I would awake up for him to feed , change , and confront him, some of night when was awake I would told him stories that my parents use to told my young and sing his favorite songs. Now that he is Maud is years old he came to my house on weekend and he like to sleep same as I and he would ask to sing for him and told him stories and pretend play with him. The importance of this attachment is that many of the theorists believe that it provides the basis for all other relationships for the child. A child that has securely