Before I came to public school I went to private school ever since fourth grade, My brother Lowry went to the same school as me and they took him out of private school the year before. Unlike Lowry, I was not very happy that they were sending me to public school. The day they told me I was going back to public school i remember …show more content…
She wanted us all to move into Thompsons Station so my brother, my mom, and I all moved there. The process took forever it felt like forever before we actually got to move, packing and putting these in the right place were a big part of the long process. My mom told me “Griffin the faster you pack and move all these boxes the faster we can get done with this.” Of course I didn’t listen to her and I took my time and that’s why it took so long for all of us. Within a month we finally got moved in and settled in our new home. My brother finally decided around January that he didn’t like living with my mom and me anymore, so he decided to move with my dad. At first I was very uneasy and sad about him moving and so was my mom. As time passed we didn’t fight as much when we didn’t see each other and we could actually talk and keep conversations. Instead of when we did live with each other all the time we fought and didn’t like each other that little thing changed our whole dynamic of seeing each other. After all these changes i learned that not everything that seems bad at first is bad. Through everything, in the end they were some of the greatest things that ever happened to me by far. These events gave me a greater and healthier outlook in life about how to not judge everything in the