Towards the end of the video Shane Saulter states that he wanted to stay far away from the social work profession. …show more content…
We were a low income family. Not forgetting to mention my mother was an immigrant who couldn’t speak English. How were we supposed afford getting our own counseling? I was still so hurt and I wasn’t sure those ten counseling sessions where enough to uncover my distress. I could tell my mother was still lost towards the end. They left and the visitations were over; I guess because we had met all those checks on their papers or perhaps because of the conclusion to the court hearing. Reflecting on my childhood and listening to Mr. Saulter it only makes me want to discover the how’s and why’s of the system in place. I know there is going to be times where my hands are going to be tied. Those times where someone isn’t going to help me, help them. Consequently, due to my experiences I want to try harder and look extra hard to see if I can do more than what a piece of paper tells me to check off. Sometimes it can just be the words you say or the gestures of care you offer that will positively impact a child or a family for the rest of their