The stories within books have always intrigued me, but inevitably, books would sit unread on my shelves, accumulating dust. My reluctance to actually read books was so bad that my parents had to bribe me to get me to complete school reading hours. I remember during Winter break in fourth grade, my parents had to tell me that if I read one chapter I could watch Van Helsing.
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The main character, Grace, was an only child like me, and it almost felt like I had found a sibling. Grace’s love story was so alluring that I fell in love with her falling in love. I felt like I was right there with her, inhaling the scents of a candy shop and reading poetry from used books in a homey loft above a used …show more content…
I begged my parents for as many books as I could get my hands on, and that not only led to me becoming a better writer, but also to me finding a home within writing. Writing has always been there for me. Writing was what held me together through my parent’s almost divorce and my Aunt committing suicide. Just like Grace, “[I] made [my] home in between the pages of books.”
After Shiver, I discovered books that held deeper meaning, and learning about the lives of other people through literature has shaped me as a person. The main reason I want to be a journalist because I want the public to be aware of what is going on in their world. I’ve become aware of the injustices in the world through literature, and I want to spread that awareness. I cannot wait to experience intricate campus libraries and the innumerable stories they hold. I know that whatever college campus I end up on, I will continue to value reading for all the knowledge and experience it has brought me. By the way, the best way to tell an author all of this is by blurting it out through tears and then immediately asking about her