Still, a lot of downfalls came into play. I skipped classes enough to lose count and I mainly put on a false front that I was sick just to stay home. In addition to never doing my homework, and when I did I copied from a classmate. Which I later realized wasn’t the best choice when it came to tests. Immediately upon commence of junior year I was called into the office for a meeting with the dean and my mother. The dean carefully evaluated my grades and came to a conclusion, with my mother’s approval, that I should be transferred to a continuation high school, considering I was behind seventy credits. So the changes were made and I was transferred
Still, a lot of downfalls came into play. I skipped classes enough to lose count and I mainly put on a false front that I was sick just to stay home. In addition to never doing my homework, and when I did I copied from a classmate. Which I later realized wasn’t the best choice when it came to tests. Immediately upon commence of junior year I was called into the office for a meeting with the dean and my mother. The dean carefully evaluated my grades and came to a conclusion, with my mother’s approval, that I should be transferred to a continuation high school, considering I was behind seventy credits. So the changes were made and I was transferred