Recently our state school board has been considering different options to improve our school’s breakfast and lunch menus with more nutritional and healthy foods for our children to eat. They have tried to integrate healthy foods while at the same time trying to give students foods that they enjoy eating. Instead of always serving greasy unhealthy foods they have started including more vegetables and less greasy items on their breakfast and lunch menus.…
One of the leading causes of death in America is obesity. Healthier food options and nutrition start with our youth. Changes to schools breakfast and lunch options can give the students an opportunity to improve nutrition and health. Then maybe we can prevent obesity from continuing to be the cause of death for so many American’s. We want to work within changes to the new breakfast and lunch programs to help children fight obesity. Not every food option has to be something sugary or fried. They always say an apple a day, keeps the doctor away. Obesity is an excess body fat, because of which some cannot move as quickly as others.…
Recently there has been revisions to the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and schools were required to overhaul their entire menus to provide the students with healthy and nutritious foods including fruits and vegetables. The new school lunch rules are part of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 which has been implemented this fall. (Post Standard) The Hunger Act allows the USDA the opportunity to make reforms to the school lunch and breakfast programs. With these revisions come strict guidelines from the federal government that each school district must follow in order to receive funding and reimbursement (National School Lunch Program, 2012, August p. 1). In this essay i will be comparing the positive and negative effects of these recent revisions to the NSLP. I will then discuss whether or not these changes are beneficial to the children receiving the meal and whether NSLP is leaving children hungry or helping children make healthy food choices.…
SNA (School Nutrition Association) School Meals Proven a Healthy Choice [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Oct 2012]…
My political viewpoint has changed dramatically since I was first introduced to politics. I come from a democratic family, where it is strongly believed that it is the government’s responsibility to care for all people and that the government knows what is best for all people. Every voting season, my parents vote for a democratic president and explain to me the reasoning behind their decision. It was not until I was in the tenth grade that I realized that I did not hold the same political beliefs as my parents. After taking several political quizzes and extensively researching the bevy of political parties, I now know that I am an independent. What is an independent? An independent is an individual politician not affiliated to any political…
Be healthy: schools needed to play a leading part in health education towards children and young people which included questioning the significance of snacks and the nutritional contents of school meals, as well as enabling children to enjoy a good physical and mental health by being part of a healthy lifestyle.…
Healthy school lunches are beneficial because the are helping foster children by giving them food. As it says “Besides the menu…
Firstly, I support the breakfast program because kids will have better health. For example, by eating breakfast kids have energy. For me, when I wake up in the morning I feel like going back to sleep. After hurrying to school and skipping breakfast I become distracted in class and my stomach begins to ache. However, with the breakfast program kids will come to school unstressed about missing breakfast and will be wide awake, full of energy and ready to learn. Adding the breakfast program will guarantee that kids maintain energy and succeed in school. Another example of why I support the breakfast program is because without breakfast you will develop a belly and/or become overweight. Without starting your metabolism early in the day, when lunch comes an issue occurs. Without breakfast you’re metabolism starts late in the day which will overall result in a very slow metabolism. However, with the breakfast program this obesity will not be an issue in this school district. The breakfast program will definitely help prevent kid and teen obesity.…
According to the USDA, the new rule for providing healthy Brake fast and lunch to improve health will start July 1 and will be served for 3 years. The number of students who use school meal is increasing by 5.5 million yearly, and as the same time the expense is rising up from $6.6 billion to close $14.4 billion yearly. Based on the information majority of the kids in the school eat their breakfast and lunch at school so it is very important to provide healthy food to reduce obesity, and to provide appropriate or verity nutrition.…
However, most schools and school districts experience challenges to improve nutritional standards. Schools experience pressure to excel on standardizing test, as well as limited resources and budgets. It makes it difficult to find resources and typically leads to the strain of selling unhealthy food alternatives to raise revenue to support school functions. Consuming healthy food choices is proven to assist in improving attention spans and concentration for students by increasing their intellectual function and making them more alert. As an outcome, they tend to do better on their assessments and examinations. Sugar crashes could have led to fatigue and poor concentration during school. Therefore, to optimize mental capacity to learn at school, students should consume healthy food on a regular basis. Support eliminating poor food choices from our schools to set our nation on the right track to health, improve test and grades in schools, and decrease behavioural…
This emphasis on eating healthy could make students more healthy and more active in school, until they don't eat lunch at all and are missing core nutrition needed to get through the day. The county could also argue, healthy options are made packaged and served fresh on shelves where a student can receive their food in a line but it’s missing a key step, there's no real preparation, less man power to make food, means budget cuts on cafeteria ladies, but that's not necessarily a good thing. In an economy like ours it could take away the jobs of hundreds to thousands and maybe with time…
A school consists of mostly students if it wasn't for them there would be no schools, and a way of showing how much a school appreciates their students is by having a healthier lunch menu. Changing the school lunch is an action that can benefit the teachers, administration, and the students in the school. The lunch that is normally served usually is not the best food or just isn't as appetizing as a home cooked meal. The fact that students don't find the lunch good causes them to not eat which is not good, this can have many consequences such as, bad behavior, bad attitude, or even illness. Though with better lunches students tend to be more attentive and concentrated, this could also make a person's immune system stronger. In other words…
These unhealthy choices made by schools are some that may affect the youth's’ wellness, health, and increase obesity. In a day, there are three main meals essential to maintain proper wellness; students spend…
Another reason cafeterias should start serving healthier food is that junk food does not give kids the energy needed to stay focused in school or the power to participate in sports. “The cafeteria must offer produce, dairy, protein and grain, but three groups constitute a full meal, so many students leave behind the fruits and vegetables” (Martinez, 1). Lunch is right in the middle of the day, if you eat fatty or sugary foods, it could cause you to get tired and not pay attention in your afternoon classes. In addition, junk food caps your energy, which affects your physical activity. You cannot perform your best if you don’t have any energy. Children should be eating more healthy, natural foods.…
School articles say by eliminating unhealthy foods obesity went down by 10 percent within two months. Third, school cafeteria's should change the lunch menu to healthier foods because it can make the school look good. Most parents have to live all over the world which makes their child move school to school. When parents look for schools, they want to know how the school will benefit their child and make them better. Once a parent acknowledges the school provides healthy foods, they will think the school cares about their child's health.…