Now I'm not saying cutting out my cup of coffee for five days is easy or fun, but being able to think, and not be cureled up in a featal postion on the couch makes it so worth it. I have also learned that walking more also helps. I know we have been told this for years, but it is hard to push through when you have next to no energy. So I force myself to get up and get out (having a dog who insists on going outside at the crack of dawn every morning helps) and walk for at least 45 min. It helps to get you going for the day.
Giving up carbs, sugar, during your cycle also. Once you have recovered from the shock of what I just said, keep in mind it's only for five days or maybe seven depending on how long your cycle lasts. For me it works, I am able to make it through the week, and still get stuff done. So what works for you during a difficult menstrual cycle? Share your tips, ideas and suggestions