Some people are happy where they are and just getting by with meeting the minimum requirements. I was never one of those Soldiers. The question of whether leaders are born or made is tossed around in the military frequently. I think that both are true. I believe I was born with some leadership ability and think that I learned some along the way. Some Soldiers are certainly natural born leaders while others just need the coaching and mentoring to be an effective leader. When given the chance, everyone has his or her own leadership philosophy unique to that individual. My leadership philosophy is one built on dedication and trust. When given a mission to complete …show more content…
One of the more recent events that stand out to me is a Soldier from another platoon approaching me so I could help her. She had recently failed out of language training and wanted professional advice. She was looking for advice on available jobs and advice on duty assignments. While she was not in my platoon, I gave her issue the same amount of effort that I would have given a Soldier in my platoon. After talking with her, I called and emailed the branch manager about the job and duty location that she wanted. Within a week, the Soldier had a report date for the school she wanted and assignment instructions for the duty location that she requested. I believe that Soldiers come to me because I have shown that I will help them and do what is right for the Soldier and the …show more content…
It is necessary in our profession. Not only do the members on the team deserve that, it is what is right for the mission. Without taking care of the members on the team, the mission will fail. It is not possible to accomplish many things in our profession alone. Having a team that has each other’s back and that trusts each other will make a much more efficient team. In return, the accomplishment of the mission will be much smoother. It is my job as a leader to set the example and lay the foundation for that efficient