
Personal Narrative: My Stage In High School

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Personal Narrative: My Stage In High School
My Stage
I’m usually a very nice person and I don’t really have a problem with anyone. But touch my prop table without my permission and I will rip your arm off. I recently started to get interested into stage management, but I’ve always been keen on acting. When I enrolled in my classes this semester , I decided to take a class in Stage management and I love it. I feel like there is a possible career path ahead of me.
When I was in seventh grade my theater teacher suggested his students audition for the honors drama program. I almost didn’t audition but I decided to challenge myself, “I thought why should I audition, I’m average at best”. Even though I was shaking and so nervous I did end up auditioning. A week later I found out that I was accepted. That single event was what started my passion for the stage.
Around my freshman year of high school I was telling my
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During high school I was in a theater class that the students have to audition to get into and meet requirements to stay in. This class taught me how to better myself in this on and off the stage, it also made me realize that I was interested in stage management. Since I can not sing nor dance I was useless to them on stage. Once they found out that I had a talent for stage management they didn’t hesitate a second from putting me back behind the curtain. During our last show, the biggest one we have ever done (Shrek The Musical), I was striking the stage after our last performance and my teacher approached me and asked what I was going to college for, I said I was planning to go for marine science. She then proceeded to tell me, “You really need to look into a career in theater because you are one of the best I’ve seen in many year.” After hearing her say that and be so enthused by the idea of me doing this for the rest of my life, I felt accomplished and proud of

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