I just stepped off the school bus. The ground was muddy. The sky was gray. Rain was pouring down on my head like I was standing under a waterfall. I had only been at Algonquin Park for one minute and already, I missed home.
This was to be a four day excursion where the class would learn about science in “the real world.” The plan seemed simple, learn how to collect data at school, collect the data during the expedition, then analyse the data when we got back to school. It was as simple as a science equation, but it was missing a very important variable – emotions. I thought I was ready to take on the challenge. At one point, I was even excited but now stepping off the bus, I felt sick and the weather was not helping either.
This was to be four days without the comforts of technology. No electricity, no toilets, …show more content…
When my parents first told me about this, I was not sure what Canada was. I thought that Canada was the name of an amusement park or an elementary school. It was only when I was brought to the airport that I started to realise that Canada would not be in China. When we got to the airport I cried from the moment we left the taxi to the moment the plane landed in Canada. Even after we landed, I was crying. I cried the day that we landed and for the week after as well because I was scared. I was frightened. This was a big change from what I had gotten used to for the first six years of my life and it seemed like I was reborn. I cried because I had no other way to express myself. I had no friends, no relatives and no home in Canada. I had just me and my parents. I begged my parents for days on end in the first month when we arrived to please go back to China. But they were adamant about their stance and we eventually settled down, not long after, to where we now