Everyone I know, myself included, relies to heavily on technology. When my iPhone reaches a level below 25% battery it makes me nervous. I begin to question, what will I do without my phone, what if someone posts something on Facebook, or tags me in a tweet? A couple of years ago I was involved in a research project. I let my phone, computer and iPod die and didn’t charge them for 48 hours to see what I would do with my time instead of face book, twitter, and other useless time-fillers all contained within this small computer. On top of that I unplugged my television and did not touch any of my electronics for a whole day. That one day was one of the most productive I have ever had. I finished all my homework completely and thoroughly in what felt like no time at all. When I took a break from doing my work I had nothing to do except think; which I loved. I thought, I drew, I read, I talked and I had a great day. I never thought that I could survive the day without technology but I did more that…