My experience has lead me to realize that the so called “1%” is really the victim of its nature.
After any catastrophic event, minority groups become the target of nonsensical hate based on the actions of a minority of the minority. Just as police officers have recently received bad publicity for the actions of a few, the 2008 “Great Recession” has lead to big banks and hedge funds becoming the scapegoat for the frustration of the masses. The good people who “work on Wall Street” are the reason that putting money into a 401(k), IRA, or other retirement account is better than just having liquid assets sitting in a bank account growing at today’s near zero interest
rates. Contrary to what politicians like Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump say, I don’t think the big banks are the physical manifestation of Satan. It is perfectly acceptable to associate oneself with a legitimate industry. Like every other sector, it has flaws, but it also has regulators like FINRA, the Fed, and the SEC to help account for these, and the only reason one hears about Jordan Belfort and Bernie Madoff is because they got caught, meaning that these regulators actually do their jobs. While there are a couple of small, nitpicky things, that could be slightly revised, such as how hedge funds managers receive performance based compensation relative to indices, I do not think it was necessary for thousands of people to take to the streets.