Why is it that just because my hair happens to be blonde rather than brown or black or even red that I become the subject of hateful or “funny” jokes? On July 9th in 1999, I was introduced to this big world full of people, drama, love, stereotypes, and tons of things that I had yet to understand. I was an innocent child starting in the world with years of learning ahead of me just like everyone else. However, there was one thing that set me apart from all of the other babies, and that was the color of my hair.
Thanks to biology we know that DNA is passed from parents to their children. Half of the chromosomes from the father and half of the chromosomes from the mother get combined to form a child that will have characteristics …show more content…
The very idea of anyone being able to customize another human being is somewhat odd as we customize shoes or handbags or cars but this idea of gene mutation is not out of the question by any means. While we are on this topic I have to ask though, why do we feel the need to customize our children in the first place? Have the dumb blonde jokes gotten too out of hand and these parents have reached the point where they wish for their child to be anything but blonde so they won't have to suffer as they have all their …show more content…
Going back to when men hunted for food and women stayed home, the blonde women were more desirable as their fairness was unique and different from the majority of their counterparts who had darker complections. Carrying this idea on that the blondes were more desirable, the idea of blondes being more attractive was found to boost their IQ, making them more intelligent which completely contradicts the dumb blonde stereotype.
Q: How do you kill a dumb blonde?
A: Put a scratch and sniff sticker at the bottom of a pool.
Q: What caused the blonde to stare at the can of orange juice for 2 hours?
A: It said “concentrate.”
Just a couple of ‘dumb blonde jokes’ for your reading pleasure…
And that is why people take so little time to think about jokes such as these and how they affect those where it hits home. It has become a social norm to make fun of blondes when there is no real reason for it. Other than making blonde girls, specifically, uncomfortable with their beautiful color- a color that lots of other women pay hundreds of dollars to achieve- these jokes are belittling and trap them in a bubble that can seem