I had lived with my stepmother for years and things were not getting better. It rendered in my head to ask her if I can go to my friend's house. Her reaction gave me a sign of immediate rejection. My mother looked at me in a funny way, as if I was crazy.Then things only took a turn for the worse. “ Why can't I go”?.“ I said no”. I thought in my head, she had always said that to me. My step mother was just a controlling person …show more content…
and my emotions overwhelmed me. “ Why can't we live like normal kids!”. I had seen my room and that is I would hide all day for comfort. Nightfall came and all I saw was pitch black and it reminded me of emptiness.
Years later, Things had gotten way worse and I just didn't care anymore.
“Gulp”, I had felt the cool water run down my throat. I heard my stepmother say, “did you ask for water”.“ No”. I didn't think I had too. I saw her give me an apprehensive face as usual and I didn't care at all. Then I thought to myself again,“ I feel like I live in a house of oppression”. I went to my room to be alone because I thought my life was so limited. Finally I came to a conclusion that I can't let my stepmother bring me down. I have a life to live and I wanted to do so much. I thought of myself as a living wall where I did not care what she said to me or about me. I see her control my family as she is a god or an immortal. Everyday it makes me sick to the stomach to watch my siblings suffer in a house were they can't express their emotions. I felt as if I could not get out of her life, even still today.“When it comes to controlling human beings, there is no better instrument than lies. Because you see, humans live by beliefs and beliefs can be manipulated. The power to manipulate beliefs is the only thing that counts”(Michael