B. I prefer to receive information from presentations in a hands on approach. Using hands on helps me to stay awake and doing things with materials helps me to remember what I learned later on. Also because I feel that the company …show more content…
should value its customers it helps if the person presenting the material incorporates that same sentiment when they are presenting . Lastly I would have more appreciation and attention for a speaker that talks some about the vision of where the company is going in the future. Being able to envision the future helps me to see the direction of where my role within the company may be headed.
C. When planning and delivering my presentations I always try to demonstrate and be very hands on in order to come across as pleasing to the audience. I present my material with the customers in mind. They are what drives the revenue and change within the company. Lastly I try to offer ideas of areas where the company could have room for improvement and growth.
I could adapt my presentation to meet all three learning modalities (visual, kinesthetic, and auditory) by combining all three. Lecturing while presenting a power point with handouts given to each attendee would help everyone to stay focused and engaged. Incorporating points that each of the four communicator styles (sensers, thinkers, feelers, and intuitors) would appreciate within the presentation will help reach and engage more of the audience members. For instance it would be important for the thinkers to include all the facts within the handouts so that the audience could peruse through them during the lecture to better understand how the decisions were made. For the sensors I would make sure that all talking points were on point and succinct. I could utilize a "parking lot" for questions that arise during the presentation. This will allow me to answer irrelevant questions during break times one on one and whole group when the question has pertinent information that would add benefit to the presentation as a whole. Intuitors would appreciate my closing statements being focused on where the company's direction is headed in the future. The overtone of the speech would demonstrate value for the customer, which the feeler would find