When I was one, Boy! That year must have been fun...
When I was two, you taught me how to say ‘shoe.’
When I was three, I said, “Hey listen, I can count….One, two, ‘three.’”
When I was four, Watch out! I can open doors.
When I was five, vegetables and my appetite just didn’t jive.
When I was six, I thought I was big and strong because I could carry sticks!
When I was seven, I said, “Man! I can’t wait to be eleven!”
When I was eight, you told me not to worry about my weight.
When I was nine, you told me everything would be just fine.
When I was ten, I gained more weight again.
When I was eleven, I said, “Some days, I wish I was still seven.”
When I was twelve, I delve into what life had planned.
When I was thirteen, I said,