Dennis Keen, Instructor
English 99, 9:10
The Best Job Compared to building pools in the heat of the summer, working in an air conditioned building is heaven. The best job I've ever had was working as a dealer at Ace's Casino. What I liked so much about my job was I could manage my hours, work around my schedule. The money was good enough to raise my kids on my own and give them a nice home. Going into work and being able to meet all the diverse people was really interesting, which is great for networking and meeting new friends. Finally, when I would get off of work in the morning, I usually wouldn't be that tired so I can stay up and spend some time with my girls before I headed off to bed.
The first reason Ace's was the best job were the hours. I was able to choose among morning shift, swing shift, or grave yard shifts. Having that choice of picking my hours meant I could work around finding a babysitter for the girls. In addition, I could work during the week or the weekend. Having school and the girls I would normally ask for weekends, because of my and the girls school schedules. This gave me time to finish my homework before I started my work weekend. That way I could just come home, get some rest, and not have to worry if I hadn't finished my homework. …show more content…
All I had to worry about is how much money I needed to make to pay the bills.
The second really good reason why this job was so great was the money.
Making hundreds of dollars was exciting at work. You never would know who was in playing cards and winning so you could win too. Every night was different, you could make twenty dollars or two hundred dollars. Having those really big nights is like getting an extra bonus while you are at work. Having fun at work, and making money is a great job to me. It always seemed like those big money nights would come just when I needed them the most. Every night was different though, I never knew how the night was going to turn out, who was going to be the casino to make your
Another good reason why I enjoyed my job, was when I went to work there was always such a diverse group of people in the casino gambling. Black, white, doctors, lawyers, rich, or poor, they all come to the casino. Some came in hopes of winning big to pay the bills, others didn't care how much they would win they were there for a good time. The excitement and adrenaline of the casino is why they all are there. There are a lot of business people who come in to get away from the stresses of work, and other people would love to talk about work. Either way making a lot of connections and start to form friendship with all these different people. If you were in sales this is a great way to meet a lot of people and branch out.
This casino has made it possible for me to raise my girls. Letting me make enough money so that I can support my family, and give me the time to go back to school to get an education. This has shown my girls how important getting an education is, and how hard I have work to get my education. Having those big money nights was so exciting, work was more fun. That's not always the case though. The money I made wasn't always consistent and this job I has wasn't a career, it will always just be a job. My job at the casino has led me to meet some great people, and help me to where I am today. Ace's Casino was the most fun and best job I have ever had. I will always be thankful for that job and hope someday, when I have my career, I may say the same about my career.