The next day, we began doing some research. First, we went through all kinds of hamsters and their characteristics so that we could pick the best one. We came up with the tiniest, cutest little hamster. Back then, we didn’t know it was a dwarf hamster; the sensitive and annoying kind.
After that, we googled to see which cage and food would be good for our hamster. The cage we chose was very expensive. It was a three-floored cage with a dining room, a bed, two rectangular ladders, and a hamster wheel. We chose this one since our mom told us that if we were going to raise a hamster well, we had to provide her with the best environment we could find. The food we bought was the healthiest of them all. It contained different kinds of vitamins, minerals, and so on.
About a week later, the items we ordered were delivered to our home. To our surprise, the cage was not an one- piece product, but an assembly kit. It took us a lot of time to figure out the instructions and to put the pieces together. Eventually, it came out …show more content…
When we arrived at our house, we put her into the cage as quickly as we could. She looked a little scared and confused. After a few minutes, she relaxed and began to look around the top floor and then went down to explore the second floor. She seemed to enjoy her food and water. Next, she went down to the first floor and climbed into the bathtub to roll in the white powder. We were happy to see her getting used to her new home. After the powder shower, she went onto the hamster wheel and ran like crazy. She didn’t seem to be tired until we were tired of watching her. I was surprised by the energy that came out of her tiny