I am one of six children, and he is one of twelve. As he described his family to me, I envisioned a wonderful, upstanding family, living in a modest home in a nice neighborhood. His dad had been the bishop; he and his brothers had been in sports, his sisters involved in dance and music. I had been introduced to his only sister living in Utah and loved her, we were very similar both loving music and shopping! Sipa and I took a quick trip to Los Angeles before we were married so I could meet more of his family. I can only describe this now as a calculated move, introducing me only to certain members of the family so I wouldn’t really know what I was getting myself into. It was at our wedding reception I began to catch a glimpse of my new family. My in-laws were friendly and kind and sat at a back table, wearing mostly black. Near the end of the reception I noticed one of my new brothers-in-law, carrying a couple of center pieces to his car. They were bowls we were supposed to return; he looked at me and said words I’ve come to know well, “Five finger
I am one of six children, and he is one of twelve. As he described his family to me, I envisioned a wonderful, upstanding family, living in a modest home in a nice neighborhood. His dad had been the bishop; he and his brothers had been in sports, his sisters involved in dance and music. I had been introduced to his only sister living in Utah and loved her, we were very similar both loving music and shopping! Sipa and I took a quick trip to Los Angeles before we were married so I could meet more of his family. I can only describe this now as a calculated move, introducing me only to certain members of the family so I wouldn’t really know what I was getting myself into. It was at our wedding reception I began to catch a glimpse of my new family. My in-laws were friendly and kind and sat at a back table, wearing mostly black. Near the end of the reception I noticed one of my new brothers-in-law, carrying a couple of center pieces to his car. They were bowls we were supposed to return; he looked at me and said words I’ve come to know well, “Five finger