He told me all of his plays that he learned when he played at the same school and field I did. I can remember every Friday when I would get home from school and he’d be at his game and my mom would come pick me up from work and take me to the game. It was a fall day and the crowd would be cheering and little kids would be running around playing tag and playing king of the hill on the dirt hill by the fence next to the baseball field. We would sit there and watch him all night whether it was cold, raining or really windy, we would watch him. I remember one day we went to his away game, it was about 1 hour away, and the wind was like 20 miles per hour and me and my mom would have 6 blankets on watching him. I was always excited waiting for her to come home to get me …show more content…
Even though he lives far away, when he comes home he will practice and still play games and other stuff even though he just turned 24 and has a family and he has a daughter named Waverly. He will always be there for me when I need help with football or not, he is just the best brother anyone could ask for in the world. He pushes me really hard and I don't like, it but it will always make me a better player and I know when we get older I will thank him for what he's done and how how he goes out of his way does things for