Through out history we see cogs of repetition fall into place time after time. The fall of Rome shows a distinct pattern of Imperial collapse for every republic. Getting involved in spy work, most likely going to be caught or betrayed. People balancing fireworks on their heads... wait, we (well most of us) don't need previous incidents to determine the outcome. But there are circumstances, that however deep you submerge into history there are almost impossible circumstances of being just in the right moment at the right time. Most of us would agree that there must be something else behind all these moments of “chance.” The first example of this is very close to the example I gave above. His entire life was full of “lucky chance.” Zvi happened to be born in one of the worst times available. Over a hundred times he must have dreamed of being able to move up several digest on the date of birth list. However, there was no voice for him so he was born a Jew in Poland right before the attempted Third Reich. Because of his Polish feature he was able to slip along the shadows under false identity. …show more content…
Traveling this lethal path, he stumbled into ditch after ditch of near death, only able to keep his gate by these marvelous “chances.” this continued on, always just out of reach of death. The most undeniably planned ”just right moment” was under a mission he was to complete for a small group of resistance to Hitler.
He was to sever vital cords of communication of the Nazi's, which was carried out nicely. Once he finished his task, he was then caught and marched to the offended base. Beating upon beating was bolted down on his still young frame until they were certain he would not release his senders. They sent him back in shredded misery following him to see if he would unwittingly lead them to the source of their resistance. As Zvi limped into the town, an elder woman gasped at the misconduct of the Nazi's. She attempted to care for his wounds, but the following officer was on her in a moment. Instead of cowering, she also began to shout at him; meantime, Zvi escaped the scene and was able to find his dwellings to be cared for by his
sender. If Zvi hadn't been hardened by all his dangers, if he had been weaker, if the Nazi's had been less patient, if the woman hadn't been there or cowardly, Zvi would have died that day. But we see in this incident as well as the rest of his life, the marvelous hand of God.