As my younger cousin, Travis, walked into the living room of my house, he looked for interesting things he could look at and touch. He started to slowly walk toward the broken, bottom half of our entertainment center. My siblings and I, enjoying our Thanksgiving dinner, watched him carefully as he curiously reached for a handle of one drawer in the entertainment center that contained at least 50 movies. He was so close to opening it when my brother exclaimed, “Careful there! The last guy who did that… he died!” Travis slowly backed away, turned around, and ran to his mother, but the real question is Who died? Initially, I need to tell you something about myself. Growing up, and to this day, I sometimes blow things out of proportion and worry… inevitably. Where does all of this worry come from? My dad. From the time I was out of the womb to this day, he tells me of all the danger that could come. It might be a 1 in one million chance, but he worries. One of the things he told my siblings and me as we were growing up was that if we pulled the …show more content…
Of course, about an eighth of the living room was occupied by the eight or nine foot entertainment center. The entertainment center towered over all of us with dark and polished stained wood. The structure itself contained a late 1980s television, CD player, satellite, DVD and VHS player, and the collection of about ten million movies weighing it down to our hard wood floors. The bottom half had four drawers; three of which, held DVDs and VHS tapes. The bottom drawer had been broken for as long as I can remember, but we still jammed all of our extra blankets inside it. The top half, with all of the electronic appliances, had two large doors that never truly shut all the way because of the colossal TV. My dad had to be right because someday, it was bound to fall