I moved here to Charlotte from Philadelphia and I was discussing with her the reason why I became natural and how the natural movement started for me.
I told her that being natural was not just about growing your hair out natural. Where I come from we would identify each other by our style and the way we wore our hair.
If you were natural with locks in your hair or wore your hair curly in its natural state or didn't wear relaxers you didn't wear make up. You know you had an earthy vibe about you and you tried to carry yourself are a positive person. We identified with each others personal style and creativity and we …show more content…
I knew in some way the next sister or the next brother that came up behind me would be treated according to the way I acted. And as a business woman how they would treat other business women who looked like me.
Today I see so many of my sista's going natural, for the "look" natural movement is becoming a trend and not what being natural is truly about. Today the "natural hair movement" is just that it's a "natural hair movement" (period). Its all about what you look like on the outside and not who you are on the inside. People spend countless hours focusing on getting the "natural look" right rather than focusing on the inside of who you really are.
I want to just encourage everyone to be more aware of the inside of yourself first and then focus on the outside. What the inside represents is going to shine outside. Don't be ugly towards each other we have to Love us first before we can love anyone