Now I find myself taking song lyrics and creatively writing them in different designs to clutter my walls. Also, as I got older I would turn to music to keep me entertained. Now at eighteen years old I can proudly thank music makers worldwide for helping me forget my negative emotions and also create some of the best memories I have with people. I guess you could say art has always been a passion of mine, whether it has been my own, or someone elses creations.
I have always known what I have wanted to do with my life, until now. I know in a general sense I want to do Graphic Design, but after college I have not the slightest idea where I want to go from there. As long as I can use my artsitic side to guide me along I'll be happy. if it takes me to magazines, fine. If it takes me to the music industry, by all means I'll gladly oblige. If it lets me use my passions to make a name for myself somehow, I'm satisfied.
Florida State is a place I can see myself flourishing. My mom and aunt both attended college on your campus, so why not me as well? If I am accepted, I want to make the most of my time there. Make new friends, memories, create impacts wherever I can. I also expect to be impacted by your influences as well. The campus life, the people, the traditions. It will all be new to me, but it will all be what helps mold me even