The truck had been driving around the area several times on the 29th of June. They asked the driver to come forward in case they may be an assist in the case. On July 6th, 2014, the police received a note from Patti Garland, saying it was her brother’s truck; it was discovered that her brother had a long lasting grudge against Alvin Liknes, who was the father of her husband, Allen Liknes.…
Terry is confronted with guilt of taking part in the downfall of Joey Doyle’s murder. This is what…
Terry’s transformation is not the result of his own conscience but it is the result of a multitude of external factors culminating in a distinct and respectable change. When Terry discovers he has been involved in Joey Doyle’s murder as he stands outside “Friendlys Bar”, he demonstrates a palpable hint of remorse, demonstrating his naivety at the thought that “they were just gonna lean on him a little”. Although appearing guilt-ridden and shocked at his involvement, Terry does little and continues with his “cushy job” the next day. It is not until he and Edie express their diametrically opposing viewpoints at the bar the next day that Terry finally exposes the depth of his guilt. He appears unhinged at Edie’s request for help and displays his lack of confidence as he claims that there’s “nothing [he] can do.” As Terry speaks with Edie, he changes from displaying a false male bravado, which is encouraged by the waterfront code, to displaying something deeper within, as demonstrated when he dances with Edie. Through his meeting with Edie,…
resident, discovered she was pregnant with her third child. She returned to Dallas, Texas, and…
Change. From the first breath inhaled to the last, we change hundreds, thousands, of millions of times throughout the entirety. These changes may not always be so obvious, whereas others are blaringly distinct. Change is inevitable, especially as the environment, technology, economy, and people develop. Us, human beings, we are flexible, able to adapt and survive. However, as we adapt to these changes, we can not let these changes compromise our beliefs and principles by which we abide and hold close to our hearts.…
Shortly after my father’s departure, I received a call from my Mother asking for money, I depleted what funds were saved, not having any to send her. Lashing out a serpent's tongue, cursing began and names she insulted me with are not surprising, as anticipated. Both my mother and sister returned to California. Pam left her two daughters in California, the girls were separated somehow. I truly don’t know how it came roughly to their living arrangements, although my elder sister, Cynthia had the newest child, she was possibly two at the time. The middle child disappeared, living with friends, a pre-adolescent. Discovering by accident the situation by visiting my sister, Cynthia. A few weeks later I ended up holding the newest child and locating…
Today was the day. The big day. My election for Lieutenant Governor of Division 2B for Key Club, an international service club, was today. Fear and anxiety pricked my skin in rapid movements emanating from every pore. I rehearsed my speech for the fifth time that day. Upon arrival at the Fairfax Library, I urged myself to remain calm. I quickly scouted out the other girls who were present; one girl was dressed professionally with a folder in her hand. I knew that was my competition. The girl spoke eloquently and genially, she radiated enthusiasm and a certain warmth that I did not have. With every question that was asked, she answered with a smooth smile and high-pitched tone that was dripping with sincerity. I bristled inside; I had just been slapped. I was shrouded in a cloud of anxiety and anxiousness. Suddenly, I was dragged from my reverie.…
Moving on is easy but what you leave behind is what makes it hard. Once you get to a certain age in your life you know you have to move on sometime. I know times are hard but you have to push yourself toward what you really want in life even if it means moving away from what you love.…
In sixth grade, I stood before a podium that stared back at my English class. This was not how I envisioned sharing my love for reading and writing; however, it was required. My palms felt sticky, and I just knew that the entire class could see my heart as it was about to hop from the walls that kept it safe. I prayed that I would not forget the lines as I recited The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost. In sixth grade, reading, writing, and I started a relationship. Today, we have yet to break up.…
Throughout the years, billions of individuals have inhabited the Earth, each with their own lives and their own particular choices. With every choice made, these individuals have started to compose their legacy, which is the exemplification of who they are and what they have accomplished. I, like the majority of the rest of the world, am starting to leave a legacy as well, and plan to continue and enhance it along the shining stone path known as my life.…
Ever since I was born, I was a military brat. Not knowing where to call home, or if any place could be home, I moved. I moved six times, four of those places were towns that nobody could think about. Germany, North Carolina, Alaska, North Carolina, Germany, and Alaska, yet no place to call home. May 22, 1999, my first day on this world; Kronach hospital had its first American baby in their hands, yet they acted like I was a different species. The only event I remember was when I was about one. While I was one, I grabbed everything in my reach, even a grill handle. As a baby, I did not know that the handle was moving, the grill top had smashed my thumb. Ever since that event, I now have a starfish mark on the side of my right thumb from where the stiches were.…
My first home for many years. This land comes rarer to me as the day…
A big event that has changed my life was when my older brother moved away to go to the navy. This changed my life cause I did not know if I was ever going to see him again. When he told me he was leaving and not going to be back for awhile i thought he was leaving because of me, I was a little brat back then so yeah and at the age i was i thought everything was my fault. The day my brother left was probably the saddest thing to ever happen because me and him would always hang out and play video games or walk around town or do something fun. I remember when we dropped him off at the airport i was clinched on to his leg and i was refusing to let go because I didn’t want him to leave. Now that i look back on it i think one of the reasons why i didn’t want him to leave is because he was kinda like my best friend/ role model so yeah and well he is my older brother and I didn’t want anything to happen to him.…
It seems that I'm running away a lot these days. There always something or someone chasing me…
Traveling into the Indian Territory, we were being angrily chased down by three Indians furiously shouting at us. Dashing through the thick forest, the savage Indians were throwing spears and shooting arrows that narrowly missed us. Although neither Gideon nor I was mortally injured, I did suffer from a nick from an arrow piercing near my ear. Thankfully, a group of burly fur traders approached from the side, which frightened the Indians to run away. Acknowledging that Gideon and I were inexperienced travelers in the west, they offered us protection in exchange for some valuable possessions. As a consequence, knowing that they were our best alternative for survival, we gave them our antique gold pocket watches and assumed the identities of novice fur traders. From that point on, we followed them through the west and adopted their skills for efficiently hunting animals and keeping warm in the harsh, cold weather. During one of our rest points, we approached a large Cherokee settlement located in Park Hill in which our group leader was friends with the Cherokee leader John Ross.…