UNI Dance Marathon has been able to make significant contributions to the kids and families in the Cedar Valley area who has been treated at the University of Iowa Hospital. I joined the sponsorship committee after wanting to get involved with Dance Marathon. The sponsorship committee was one of the last committees to accept members and since I signed up late I got “stuck” with it. And I’m glad I did. This committee has given me an opportunity to grow and develop as a student and a leader. It has allowed me to understand the importance of giving of myself and finding my true purpose. I am confident in my belief that the students who power UNI Dance Marathon today will be the future leaders of our society and that they will make a positive impact to our …show more content…
It’s a program where you can stay in-state or go abroad to teach children on a military base. You get most of your essentials paid for and it’s a great opportunity to get teaching experience. My dream country would be Italy. Since I’m changing my major to English Education it would be the perfect place to teach literature to children.
My greatest accomplishment this semester is being in a Theatre UNI production. It was a minor role but it taught me a lot about being at a state university theatre department. Sometimes it can get hectic but I love being on stage and bringing joy millions of people. I owe this experience to my family and friends. Many of the people from my hometown came to Cedar Falls to watch me in the play. I realized then that I am love and supported by so many and that they will stick my me no matter what life throws my way.
All-in-all, I feel like college has been a positive experience for me. I learned that in college you are in charge of your own education and that you get what you put into it. If you give 100% you’re going to make unbelievable strides academically and socially. I also learned to take advantage of all the opportunities that come your way. Each opportunity can lead to furthering yourself in the future. So that’s what I plan to do. Get involved and join my short time here at