I am a coupon person. I love coupon via mobile and with limited information. I just brought a piece of furniture that normally cost $3800 and I got this furniture for $1200 from JCPenny’s. I don’t really look for coupons unless I am going to that store. I must admit that I love on particular fast food chain named, Chick-Fil-A. I actually look for those coupons. I have received free minis, and other free things from Chick-Fil-A. At the same time, I carry Michael Kors products, which represent a particular status. I have a $400 dollar purse that I only paid $100. I even have a Michael Kors cell case, but no-one can tell it is a Michal Kors, but it make me feel a certain way. So, I am not sure what type of consumer behavior that I demonstrate.…
The Cheesecake Factory, I once believed that the establishment would be a bakery that primarily sold cheesecakes, sweets and such. Although, I’ve never heard much about the restaurant, or what it actually was other than people are familiar with the establishment and only comment on the cheesecakes. Yet, I had not known that that was the place I was dining in, I only believed under presumption of its name that we were going to eat at some other random place when I walked through the doors of the restaurant. Now the reason I say random was the fact that this place was not like how I imagined the praiseworthy Cheesecake Factory to be at all. My expectations of this place was exactly how Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory felt and as colorful as Tim Burton’s remake of Alice in Wonderland was.…
I remember anxiously waiting for 9:00 o’clock so we could go explore the store. The grocery store could be kind of spooky during the night but this didn’t bother us too much because we would be busy playing tag or hide and seek throughout the store. The grocery store has seven aisles. Aisles 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 are nothing special but aisle 6 is divided into in half by a variety of items as well as a candy box ( I don’t know what else to call it).…
As a Chinese-American, my family expected me to help out at the restaurant while maintaining straight A's in school. But, it wasn't easy; every day, I would report to the restaurant after school and immediately start working. Inside the kitchen, I would pack all the orders into aluminum containers, place them into a brown bag, and insert packets of sauces and utensils. Burns and cuts were common due to the terrible and tearable aluminum containers. Outside at the front desk, I would answer the seemingly endless ringing phones. In many instances, customers had to wait either on the phone or at the front desk for me to find their orders on the computer, even after they showed me where it was on the menu. During lunch hours, the pressure was even…
Chick-Fil-A, East Wichita; Today is my childs birthday. Where did he want to go for his birthday lunch? His choice was Chick-Fil-A. We ate lunch at your establishment, and after that, my child went to play in the playground. A child younger than mine was also playing in the playground, running around with a leather belt! That was Okay with the adults the child was with, whom were sitting right outside the playground, at the table next to the playground door. They let him keep running around around with the leather belt, and swinging it around, while he was playing. Unprovoked by my child at all, the younger child with the leather belt, ends up Hitting my son on the Head, With the leather belt, Five times! It happened up in the tunnels, out of my sight, but I could hear my child yelling to the other…
I can not easily try new types of food. Actually, I do not like to eat something that I have never tasted before. However, I had an experience with my family at Shake Shack restaurant. My family challenged me to try a cheeseburger. I thought a lot because it is a kind of junk food and I do not like that kind of food. Then I accepted the challenge to change my idea about food. My first experience in eating cheeseburger was amazing.…
To tell my story, I have to set the scene. It was the summer of 2014, the Thursday before school started actually. I had not seen familiar faces in a while so, I was ready to get back. I did not realize it yet, but taking a job at Whataburger would be the biggest (only) mistake I ever made.…
The racetrack feels like there is a drum inside your ribcage. This feeling comes from cars turning the track and people cheering…
I was about 10, and me and my family were at the Wild Goose Ranch. I was at the time wondering how it felt to be underground. At that time, the idea of mining fascinated me. So, me, Kaila, Josh, and Bre were at the park in the Goose Ranch.…
Working at the Hooters of the Orland International Airport has been the best decision of my life to be a Hooters Girl! To begin with, when I moved to Orlando from southwest Florida I met one of good friends who worked at Hooters and she would always tell me stories and how much fun she had, all while making a living. So that day I went and applied, and I instantly fell in love with the atmosphere Hooters provided and on the first day I was welcome with open arms. Next, working at Hooters I have met the most amazing coworkers and regulars that have made a difference in my life. Walking into Hooters my coworkers have a positive, fun and outgoing personality throughout their shifts, and which I have made longtime friendship along the way. It such…
Here I am in honor classes, but why I’m not smart enough to be here. This is going to be too difficult for me. All I see when I look around are all these outstandingly intelligent people. The only reason I am here is because Mrs. Lee’s class was straightforward or maybe the other people in that class were not very bright. Whatever the reason, I am here and already homework on the first day of school, the other kids probably don’t have homework. I really don’t want to be here, I want to be the smart one again. I feel strange and uncomfortable when I have to speak out loud like if the people around me are judging me.…
When I had just graduated Pre-School, my mom decided to throw me a huge party. I decided to stay under the table and play with on my gameboy. When I got hungry and came out, nobody had even noticed I was gone, and they ate all of MY cake. I learned to always keep your eyes on your cake and don’t trust anyone, or they will eat your cake.…
Have you ever imagined of a room that sent such a good vibe that you thought it was too good to be true? Well, that is how this lunchroom was. When I walked in the first thing I say was the bright lit faces of the john Adams middle school students.Their faces were so astonishing that it but a big smile on my face. The poster filled walls were a bright baby blue with a hint of green. The tables were stunning. The colors were so remarkable that they were almost blinding. The pillars that stood high were covered with flyers of all colors. But the best thing of all was the smell coming from the cafeteria. It smelled like fresh pizza out of the oven. But what they were serving was much better than pizza, it was cheesy bread sticks. As my waiter…
first time. It was great eating with new people I didn’t know but they felt…
My grandpa was a simple man, and he lived a pretty average life. He wore flannels in the summer, and a goofy smile every day. He snuck candy to his kids when they were grounded, and quoted The Princess Bride to cheer them up. He answered every phone call with “yellow”, and tormented you with the same riddle until you got it right. He could eat a whole box of twinkies and the peas I hid under my plate. The twinkies, though, proved too much for his heart to handle, as his life was cut short at 58.…