
Personal Narrative: What I Remember Me

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Personal Narrative: What I Remember Me
After you die your life is over, you don’t get to come back to life. Knowing that, what you do with the life you have is very important. What people remember you by is also equally as important. Three character traits I would like others to remember me by are, being great with people of all ages, respectful, self-confidence and having pride in the way I carry myself.

To begin with, the first trait I would like other people to remember me by is, being great with people of all ages. My mom always tells me I am a very good people person and I agree with her. I love working with people, I’m good with helping people with their problems, I am also a good listener and I am very patient and gentle. I currently work at Mc Donald’s and I have been working
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Do on to others, as you would want them to do to you. I think this basic principle or saying is very powerful. If everybody abided by it the world would not have as many problems as it does now. For example people wouldn’t steal because they wouldn’t want their possessions to be stolen or robbed. People wouldn’t kill each other because they wouldn’t want to be killed themselves. This is a saying my parents always drilled into my head ever since I was a few years old and it stuck with me all these years. I try to respect everybody because I like to be respected back. This is the second trait I would like others to remember me …show more content…
Being confident in the way you were created is something I love to portray, which I have been doing since I was in middle school. It being with a decision I made during the last three weeks of my 7th grade year. Every young black boy at the time had the same hair cut (including me), which was an Afro. Being different was always bouncing around in my head, so one day out of curiosity I told myself I wanted to get dreads and I got them after I easily persuaded my parents. When I got them I wasn’t all that excited about them, but I keep them knowing the reason I was doing it. I was mentally prepared for the positive and negative comments I would be getting at school from now on and I promised I wouldn’t let them get to my head. The next day at school it was worse then I thought it would be. Everybody was calling me worm head and saying my head was small like a walnut. Majority of the people at my school didn’t like it and said I looked uglier but a handful of people including myself were looking into the future and seeing a very bright one if I keep them. Having a lot of confidence in myself I didn’t follow the crowd and take my dreads out. I set out on a new road and till this day I have had my dreads for four and a half years and there almost half way down my back. After they started to get longer people looked at them a different

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