Fiji was a place that was almost too exotic--a place that existed only in movies and magazines. I remember the first time I saw a picture of a perfect wave in Surfer Magazine. I was fourteen years old. I studied the glassy surface in detail. I couldn’t imagine being in that wave and how it would almost feel as if time was stopped.
I can still remember that photo now and I can picture exactly what it said. Tavarua, Fiji. The heart shaped island imprinted on my heart. It drew something out of me that I had never felt in quite the same way. Wonder mixed with peacefulness.
That picture hung on my wall for three years. I would look at it until I turned out the light sometimes. In the glassy waters I could see a reflection
of myself. I could see who I wanted to be and where I wanted to go. I could picture myself standing barefoot on the beach and walking into the warm water before I paddled out.
For the longest time I couldn’t even imagine going to Fiji. But as I grew older the importance of the trip seemed to grow. It was like there was a piece of my life that needed to be fit in before I could continue onto the next step. So now at thirty-two I’m planning to make this dream a reality.
I’m in the beginning stages of planning my visit to the archipelago that has held my thoughts for so long. I’m old enough now to know that even the most overwhelming tasks can be conquered if taken one step at a time.
I had planned to go to Fiji with someone who was important in my life, but as so often is the case, life had other plans. So I’ll go alone. I’ll fly to the other side of the world to run away.
As childish as it seems, this is exactly what I’ll be doing. I’ll run away from everything in my life. There will be no obligations or bullshit to deal with. This will be a personal journey to discover something important about myself. When a heart shaped island seems to be pulling you toward it so strongly, who am I to argue. It can only be one thing--love.
I’d love to hear where in the world is calling to you?