Around this time, my family depended solely on my parents' business, and due to the market crash of 2008, they had to spend as much time on it as possible, so I would have to motivate myself to learn. That
didn't go as we hoped, and while I did spend time learning problem solving, logic, history, or anything else that interested me, I wasn't keeping up in basic topics like math or english. This did turn out to be a good thing. While my friends were off getting info drilled into them, I was enjoying my learning. I gained a love for knowledge while people my age got burned out by it.
Eventually, I decided that it was time to get caught up. Almost 10 years had passed since my last real math class, and I decided to take Algebra II at my high school as a junior. I went to the class twice a day, once to be a TA and once to be a student (listening to the lesson each time), and ended up with 105% in the class (it wouldn't go higher).
The next year was my senior year, and I knew I didn't want to settle for pre-calculus as my last high school math class, so I spent my summer break working hard learning pre-calc and am currently in AP Calculus, with a 100% and at the top of my class.
I took a risk being homeschooled, and it seemed to have failed. But once I started working hard, I not only caught up to my friends, but I exceeded them, and now I aid them in their studies. I know that whatever I put my mind to, no matter the challenge, I can a