The meaning of the name Claire is “clear” and “bright”. I can identify with “clear” because I am a simple, straightforward person. I don’t believe “bright” suits me all that well, considering I’m not the smiley, happy-all-the-time, type of individual. The origin of Caire is French, in the form of Clara. Other common spellings are ‘Clair’ and ‘Clare’. According to “Behind The Name”, the name came from St. Claire, who was a follower of St. Francis of Assisi, but left her wealthy family to found the order of the nuns known as “Poor Clares”, which has always been respected in Ireland. I find this interesting because my parents said they named me Claire according to our Celtic background. In Celtic countries, it is most commonly spelled “Clare”, but they believed it looked prettier with an ‘i’. I also found on this website that people with this name often have a deep inner desire for a stable and loving family …show more content…
The name is rumored to start with St. Marguerite, a 17th century nun who set up schools throughout the Quebec wilderness. I was named after my grandma, whom I have never met, but I have been told we would have gotten along very well. I take immense pride in my middle name, unlike most people my age, because it is a family name and I think it fits my personality. Sheknows said, people with the name Marguerite have a deep inner desire for travel and adventure, and want to set their own pace in life, without being governed by tradition. Although I only get called Claire Marguerite when I’m being scolded, I believe this describes me surprisingly well due to my love of travel and