It is very hard for me to say this, but I have an increasing urge to not do track this year. My reasons for saying this are as follows.
Lack Of Flexibility On the first track practice, I was close to tears because of the excess physical exertion I was forced to do so suddenly, putting my body and mind in tremendous pressure it wasn’t prepared for. With 100+ players on the track team, there is no room for flexibility based on an individual’s needs. This has caused me to vomit last year, and has made my legs painfully sore for 2+ days. Track also doesn’t allow for any schedule flexibility., which severely limits my free time. This would cause me to leave clubs I have made a commitment to and I enjoy. …show more content…
I dread thinking about it, and actually going to practice is a disheartening and unbeneficial experience. This could be eliminated by simply not being part of track anymore. I would rather go to the gym, where I could be getting physical activity in a comfortable environment I can control, or being with my friends, where I can socialize comfortably. Track is not giving me the enjoyment it used to.
4. Physical Health
It seems unlikely that a sport could cause detriment to health, but I have reason to believe it would. Because of the lack of flexibility to meet personal goals and go at one’s own pace, track is causing overexertion I am not prepared for, which can be negative in long term. The stress, anxiety, and pressure it is causing is very prominent, and can wreak havoc on physical health, which explains why I can’t sleep worrying about this. Track could be potentially harmful to my physical health.
I have thought deeply about if doing track is right for me this year. I have concluded that going to the gym on my own schedule that I can control would make me happier and healthier than track would. Please remember I am not going to stop getting exercise, and that that is not my reason for leaving. I hope I have convinced you also with these reasons. Thank you for taking the time to read