I’m happy with who I am today, just as everyone should be. But if I could change anything about myself, I’d want to have more motivation to do things. In the mornings before school I can barely get out of bed because I’m so tired and don’t want to go to school. I’m exceedingly intelligent but I don’t have any drive. I procrastinate on most of my work, and sometimes I just don’t want to do the work. Right now I’m rank 14 in my class but I could’ve been higher if I had any drive my freshman year. I don’t think about how my decisions now will impact me later and when I do, I don’t really care. I also don’t have much motivation to do things in sports activities. Last year I played volleyball and I never had that much playing time. Never being able…
I am seeking employment with IMCA because I feel my interests as well as my qualifications would fit perfect in your work environment. Also, I have always been motivated by the challenge of meeting tough deadlines in my last job. I know that the work at IMCA is fast-paced and deadline-driven. I am more than up for a…
My mother, “Regina Hopkins,” has been a positive influence in my life. She has raised 6 kids all by herself as well as earned a Bachelor’s degree in nursing from a City College in Gainesville, Florida. My mother has been through pretty much everything a person can go through outside of war and was still able to be there and provide for all 6 of her kids. In high school, my mother wanted to play football and couldn't because she was a girl and back-in-the-day women were not allowed to play football with the guys. However, she remained strong by raising 6 kids and independently took care of all of us on her own. My mother has several qualities that I would love to develop. The first quality she has is balance; she certainly knows how to make…
Success through struggle is a story of one young soldiers attempt at something great. Through the struggles that I endure in this story of my attempts of joining an elite military organization are a testament to Army Values and the warrior ethos. You will learn that even if you do not succeed at first you will find success in other avenues. This story is not for quitters it is for those who enjoy tales that show triumph of the mind, body, and spirit.…
Have you ever met someone who has the "perfect job" - like the animal lover who's a great veterinarian or the science whiz who's a lab technician? What about the people who are good at what they do - but hate getting up every morning to go do it?…
Moving on is easy but what you leave behind is what makes it hard. Once you get to a certain age in your life you know you have to move on sometime. I know times are hard but you have to push yourself toward what you really want in life even if it means moving away from what you love.…
This week reminded me how amazing and important my job is. Friday was a busy day at the office; I was rushing to finish my work so I could leave on time. As I was about to leave I received a phone call from a hiring manager (Mark) with NOAA. Mark had questions about the interview process and was calling to speak to one of my colleagues. Unfortunately, my colleague was on vacation and wouldn’t be back for another week. I looked at the clock and realized it was time to go but I could hear the frustration in Mark’s voice. Instead of leaving, I spent almost an hour listening to Mark’s concerns, answering his questions, and I explained how the federal hiring process works. At the end of our conversation, Mark thanked me for my time and he told me…
One thing that sets me apart from the other candidates applying to the University of California is my hard work. I have always been smaller than other kids my age. At 15 years old I was 4’ 10’’ and looked like I was eleven years old. Although this was an advantage at the airport, when I would begin to take off my shoes and the TSA Officer would look at me and say, “Don’t worry twelve and under can keep their shoes on.” I was often discredited for my size. Especially because I played volleyball, a sport known for its height. I constantly struggled to make a team I deserved to be on because people would see my height and automatically think I was not capable. Although my height often led me to feel discouraged and angry it eventually taught hard work.…
Every human struggles everyone has hardship. When I was young I began to notice that maybe it is hard to understand what other people struggle with. The start of a mundane life began as usual a bus ride to school, but today something else happened a flash of yellow a soundless luxury sports car zoomed bass by a Lamborghini. As the car passed by everyone looked at it with amazement as the never seen a car pass from this part of the street. I began to wonder when will I get one with imaginary job I will live the high life. The bus hits a bump on the road I am begging to rationalize who much work will it take to achieve greatness to struggle to overcome adversity.…
I feel that although these attempts at reaching out to you have been futile, I want you to know how I feel without any expectation that you respond.…
Ever since I was born, I was a military brat. Not knowing where to call home, or if any place could be home, I moved. I moved six times, four of those places were towns that nobody could think about. Germany, North Carolina, Alaska, North Carolina, Germany, and Alaska, yet no place to call home. May 22, 1999, my first day on this world; Kronach hospital had its first American baby in their hands, yet they acted like I was a different species. The only event I remember was when I was about one. While I was one, I grabbed everything in my reach, even a grill handle. As a baby, I did not know that the handle was moving, the grill top had smashed my thumb. Ever since that event, I now have a starfish mark on the side of my right thumb from where the stiches were.…
Throughout my life I have encountered many circumstances that have shaped me into the person I am today. I was born in Moroleon, Guanajuato, Mexico. I attended school in Mexico all the way to second grade. In the summer of 2006 I moved to Cumming, Georgia. It was the hardest thing to do because I left everything that I care the most about. We lived in a trailer which was not the nicest place and in the middle of the forest. I started school at the beginning of August. I had always loved school so I was so excited for the first day. I knew it was going to be hard because I would have to conquer so many obstacles on the way. At this time the only English I knew was probably counting from one to ten and some of the colors. My Father knew some…
Traveling into the Indian Territory, we were being angrily chased down by three Indians furiously shouting at us. Dashing through the thick forest, the savage Indians were throwing spears and shooting arrows that narrowly missed us. Although neither Gideon nor I was mortally injured, I did suffer from a nick from an arrow piercing near my ear. Thankfully, a group of burly fur traders approached from the side, which frightened the Indians to run away. Acknowledging that Gideon and I were inexperienced travelers in the west, they offered us protection in exchange for some valuable possessions. As a consequence, knowing that they were our best alternative for survival, we gave them our antique gold pocket watches and assumed the identities of novice fur traders. From that point on, we followed them through the west and adopted their skills for efficiently hunting animals and keeping warm in the harsh, cold weather. During one of our rest points, we approached a large Cherokee settlement located in Park Hill in which our group leader was friends with the Cherokee leader John Ross.…
I struggled to come up with a time in my life where I could not be myself. I have had the same job for fourteen years, have been with the same person for more than fourteen years, and have had my friends for longer still. Trying to find a time that I can distinctly remember not being myself I have to go back a long time, probably around eighteen years. The more I thought about it, the more I could only recall freshmen year in high school as being a time where I was living two lives. I attended a high school that not one single person I knew attended, I was on my own. Many of my friends attended the same two high schools and enjoyed the luxury of having something in common with each other. My high school was a specialty school that I choose to attend but none of my friends were able to. The school having different concentrations in different arts almost built a segregated culture. This major spent most of their time away from another major and so on. This built up temporary walls that eventually would come down. However, I think this helped me feel an outsider.…
Most teenagers do not have a clue about what they want to be when they grow up. Most young adults also do not know where their path is in life. Even some full-blown adults are still trying to figure out their purpose. I was lucky. I knew exactly where I belonged from about the time I was seven up until now, at the decently young age of nineteen. I do not see my path changing anytime soon; in fact, I know it will never change. But, I did not just wake up one day as a child and know what my path was, while that would be impressive. Defining moments in one’s life defines who they are. There were lots of things I experienced in my life that made me realize my purpose, my absolute passion. I had four of these defining moments in my short span of…