Every parent has his or hers own personal philosophy when it comes to raising children. There are many controversial issues surrounding this topic because many different people have many different opinions on how to raise a child correctly. One of the biggest issues today in society is whether to breast or bottle feed an infant. Another difficult issue is how to go about disciplining a child. Many parents believe religion is an essential part of growing into a moral person, and many do not. Some families see having meals together as important while others don't. Another controversy is placing a child in daycare. Some parents believe it is completely wrong for the mother to work outside the home. Other parents say that without two incomes, they would not be able to make it financially. Also many parents don’t like to talk to their child about sex or sexuality which is unfortunate because it’s important.
When I have children, I want them to be breast fed. I think that it is far better for the child's health than bottle feeding. There is a fluid that comes in before the real milk called Colostrum this fluid allows the baby to receive a stronger immune system that will help them fight off infections, and it also help them gain the necessary weight faster than they would receive from formula. In breast milk, eight percent of the cells are macrophages. These cells help kill different kind’s of viruses, fungus, and bacteria.
Breast feeding can be much easier and convenient, because it can be done at any time, without preparation. With bottle feeding, there are lots of bottles to wash, finding the right formulas to mix, refrigeration to worry about, and warming of the milk that all must be done. This is all very time consuming for new parents to deal with. Perhaps the best advantage to breast feeding is the low cost. Parents must have a healthy eating plan, but it cannot cost more than their budget will allow. Formula is very