Even though I may not find myself in the classroom setting teaching everyday, I have learned that I possess the power to transform lives inside and outside the school setting. I firmly believe that some of the best teaching occurs beyond the classroom and within everyday moments. Some of the best educators I have had in my life were not just teachers but instead were people that walked along side me in life. These people educated and inspired me in ways that could not be taught within a textbook. Each educator that I have had within my life has molded the philosophy of which I believe we should teach and inspire others with. My philosophy is very different from most educators because I believe that the best …show more content…
More importantly I want my students to be more afraid of making mistakes and not learning from them. My students will be stretched within the classroom and I do not want them to be afraid to realize when they are wrong; instead I want my students be begin to question themselves and why they were not correct. It is my goal for my students to not be afraid to not receive the perfect A plus score on their exam. I want my students to instead learn how to preserve when they are struggling and to learn how to fail. I believe that when students fail they gain more wisdom and knowledge then if they passed every single course. The Bible even shares with us that even, “the righteous may fall seven times but still get up, but the wicked will stumble into trouble” (Proverbs 24:16). Scripture calls us to not be afraid to stumble while walking along Christ so likewise my classroom should be an environment where students are not afraid to stumble. Instead it should be an environment where students may stumble but they stand up stronger than before. There is a certain wisdom and knowledge that I want each one of my students to experience that occurs when things do not go their way. This also applies to their life not only inside the classroom but outside as well. Also within the classroom setting I do not want my students to be afraid to ask questions because they are afraid of being wrong or …show more content…
I believe that being an educator is more than teaching the next generation, instead it is about expanding God’s kingdom through spreading his love. In order to share this love I must be able to create a personal relationship with each student in my classroom. I must make the time to understand and learn where each one of my students hearts are at and be able to meet them where they are. God did not create humans to be alone and the Lord states in scripture that, “[it is] not good that man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him” (KJV Genesis 2:18). I believe we were each put on this earth to lead, support, and guide those around us as brothers and sisters in Christ. Although, there maybe some students who learn best in solitude I will mainly maintain a classroom environment that possess collaborative learning. My classroom will be a place where students learn how to interact successfully with others while living out God’s calling for each of us. This includes teaching my students how to interact with others and how to display God’s love within a collaborative learning environment. As a teacher I must accept the hardest role and that is to reflect God’s love and grace within my classroom at all times. I must be committed to the growth of my students not only in their education but also to their growth on a