BRIEF HISTORY: This 40-year-old Latin female was admitted for low back and right lower extremity symptoms. She had been suffering from intermittent low back pain dating back to an MVA several years ago. In December of last year she started a job where she was doing a lot of heavy lifting. Shortly after that she began experiencing pain in her back and right leg. CT scan was done that showed questionable disk bulging. This was followed by a myelogram that showed no definite defect. However, repeat CT showed marked compression at the L4-5 level. Some ligamentum flavum prominence and low-grade disk bulging. On May 27, the patient underwent a lumbar diskectomy at L5-S1 on the right side and a disk herniation was identified at the time of surgery. Postoperatively the patient had resolution of her low back pain and right leg symptoms and was doing reasonably well at the time of discharge. She remained afebrile throughout her hospital course. Her incision was healing nicely and she was ambulating without difficulty.…
Patient presented to the emergency room, complaining of vaginal bleeding with pain in the lower pelvic area. Ultrasound preformed in the emergency room showed a 13.8 cm left adnexal mass with positive cardiac activity, Compatible with ectopic pregnancy.…
The term constructive discharge is by definition when an employee feels they are forced to resign their job because the employer has made working conditions unbearable (Doyle,2013). In the circumstance presented, the employee felt compelled to resign because the work schedule was changed and would require him to work on his religious holy day. The business changed the production team schedule to accommodate growth and expansion, changing the schedule from 8:00am-5:00pm, Monday thru Friday, to four twelve hour shifts. The employees would rotate four days on and four…
DISCHARGE SUMMARY____________________________________ Patient Name: Brenda C. Seggerman Patient ID: 903321 Date of Admission: 03/27/---Date of Discharge: 03/30/---Admitting Diagnosis: Ectopic pregnancy. Surgical Procedures 1. Exploratory laparotomy. 2. Partial salpingectomy. 3. Evacuation of hemoperitoneum. 4. Lysis of adhesions. Complications: Blood loss requiring transfusion x2. HISTORY: This 35-year-old white female, gravida 3, para 1-0-2-1, had her last menstrual period in early January. Prior menstrual cycles had been regular. She reported using no contraception but not attempting pregnancy. Patient presented to the emergency room complaining of vaginal bleeding with pain in the lower pelvic area. Ultrasound performed in the emergency room showed a 13.8 cm left adnexal mass with positive cardiac activity compatible with ectopic pregnancy. HOSPITAL COURSE: On March 27 the patient underwent exploratory laparotomy, left partial salpingectomy, evacuation of hemoperitoneum, and lysis of adhesions. Blood loss was approximately 1000 mL and was replaced with transfusion of 2 units of red blood cells. Her blood type was noted to be O, Rh-negative, and RhoGAM was provided. (Continued)…
Ghost in the Nursery; Repercussions of abuse and neglect in child development and family dynamic…
I have established many great relationships with different doctors and APRNS. In the ICU setting where I was employed, I did notified two physicians which I worked with about my plans for Acute Care Nurse Practitioner and both supported me and agreed to help me with a preceptorship in pulmonary and critical medicine. Dr. Erasto Cortes and Dr. Ahmed Hajj are the two physicians which I worked with and still keep in touch with. I currently work with two great surgeons, Dr. Michael Lara and Dr. Jorge Acosta, both which are also aware of my plans and have been very supportive. They both agree to also precept me in General surgery, trauma and gastrointestinal surgeries. I am currently employed with Del Sol Medical Center and my current Director is…
After gathering our patient’s information we got a report from the previous shift. The nice part was that my preceptor had most of the patient we had the day before. So she was well informed about the care of these patients and was able to give me detailed information about each of them. It makes the work easier when the nurse knows her patient. This week I started my clinical by helping a wound nurse who came to assess and change wound dressing of our patient. That patient was admitted for overdose and with some infected wound on the back of her both legs. I did assist the wound nurse during her assessment, the wound nurse did talk through the process of changing that patient dressing she explained that the real problem of this patient could be a low perfusion on her extremities, which might be the cause of the patient slow healing process. I also had the opportunity to pass the medications of all the patients we had, and I also did a shift summary for one of the patients, with the supervision of my preceptor. Under the direction of my preceptor, I did place a normal saline to one of my patients. It was exciting because I do not get to place an IV fluid more often. The report I gave to the coming nurse at the end of my shift was catastrophic, I think I need to be more organized…
[anecdote]Before I entered High School,ever since I was small I already new what my future path was going to be, but without knowing I would need to take two classes I knew myself was not good such as psychology and calculus.My High school experience was entertaining and preparatory. I looked beyond my homework assignment and got great advice from teachers, although did not seek advice from counselors regarding how life was outside of high school. On the other hand, I left with the most knowledge on how to pursue in college. I had some low and high grades such as math was very distressed course. However, I was confident that if I took some easy college classes, everything will sink into place by the end of the…
Every individual has their own unique talent in a job. I found my weakness and strength by taking an online assessment test. I learned many different other things about myself as well. Now I have the ability to teach myself on a personal and professional level.…
I believe that implementing strategies to promote, maintain, and restore health is key to the nursing career; the main goal of nursing is to improve an individual’s health. In my clinical experience, it’s to maintain the individual’s health issues or diseases. An example of using teaching/learning principles is when taking a resident’s blood glucose a family member asked me what the normal range for blood glucose is. I explained that a blood glucose level between 70-100mg/dL is desired. Then I went on to explain that based of the resident’s blood glucose levels a certain amount of insulin will be administered. I also taught the family member that insulin is a hormone that helps the cells take in glucose; which results in the cell using glucose as energy and a decrease in blood sugar…
Failure to safely and appropriately discharge patients from the hospital is placing patients at risk, not to mention the increase costs to hospitals, providers, and insurers. Many acknowledge that the hospital discharge is non-standardized, unsystematic, and fragmented process (Anthony, Chetty, Kartha, McKenna, DePaoli, & Jack, 2005; Minott, 2008). Furthermore, the inefficiencies in the discharge planning process have also shown to have life-threatening implications, especially in association with Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) (Forster, Murff, Peterson, et al., 2003). It has also been recognized that ADEs are also a result of medication non adherence (----) and medication non adherence may be correlated to a harried discharge process…
Growing up , I was a rough child. I wasn’t really what you called a girly girl. I was always outside Feeding my dogs and horses and riding my bike and four wheeler. My friends was always boys . I never really hung out with girls . I was what my parents called a tom boys . I was always doing something and hurting myself . My dad would make sure It wasn’t anything serious . He would wrap me up then send me back on my way . Once I became about 8 I started fixing myself up . Once my mother and father realized I enjoyed doing that they started letting me doctor on them when they had a minor cut also . I always wanted to help people in need and this is the reason I want to be a registered nurse…
When I was in nursing school, I never thought about the dangers that lurk in the darkness, the things I…
When I was thinking about writing this journal post a particular experiences came into my head. I pushed it aside for the fact that it didn't fit the criteria for this journal. However, after struggling trying with writer's block, I gave in to my original thought. The experience I am going to be talking about doesn't fit the criteria of being a patient/nurse interaction because I wasn't with a “patient” or in a clinical setting.…
Hello everyone, My name is John Santiesteban and I’m currently a nurse. I am attending this class in order for me to achieve my masters in nursing. My enthusiasm for nursing first took root and flourished after losing my father. My father became very ill and needed medical care. When I saw that my father was starting to become weak and frail, I thought to myself "What access would my father have to good quality health care?" I asked my mother "Where is the nearest hospital?" and my mother replied, "It's about twenty miles away child." It was from that moment on I began to realize a desire to engage in a profession that focused on the area of helping sick people. After losing my father I made the initiative to start a new direction in my life to pursue a career in healthcare. So I decided to become a surgical tech to test my interest. After completing my certification, I was able to do a lot of hands-on work with sick…