Personal reminiscence
The story I am about to share with you is one of the hardest and saddest time I have ever been through. Even though it sad, it’s a memory I can remember all my feelings and exactly how I felt. well before I tell you my memory, I would like to give you some background information about my grandfather, mike. He was one of the most loving guy you could ever meet. He was always known of putting people before him, and he is my hero, he has all the traits of a hero and when I am older I wish I could be like him, unfortunately almost two years ago he passed away, and that brings me to my story.
April 17th 2009,I went to my grandfathers house, it was for my cousins 7th birthday it was the usual and we all just hung out as a family, nothing different. I don’t remember that night all that well but there’s one conversation I do remember like it was yesterday. My aunts uncles and grandfather were all joking around how my grandfather was TOO healthy how he ran so much and we said that he was going to out live everyone.At the time of course I dident think much of it.When it came time to leave he left,without a goodbye whithc was weird cause he always did,once again I dident reallt think much of it,so I got home and the next couple of days were pretty normal,untill April 18th came,during the day it was fine but one thing I remember really well is the way I felt,inside I dident feel the same,it was just weird I was up all night tossing and turning and then I started randomly crying and crying and I just dident know why it was honestly the weirdest feeling that I could ever describe,so I finally fell asleep and I woke up at 7:00 exactly to someone screaming,my little brother always does that screaming cry so I just ignored it,untill it got worse so I finally got up still having this feeling to find out my grandfather was found in his bed and wasent breathing,the way I felt at this point was kind of in shock,I did not cry or speak I just walked up stairs and sat there whitch brings me to my memory while I was sitting there it felt like hours,and I learned a lot sitting there I thought about life and I thought about how people take there life for granted and this made me realize how there’s no point to live your life not to the fullest cause when your not here don’t you want to look back at your life and be able to say that you did live it to the fullest and everyday was worth it? I also learned how easy something could happen such as this ,most humans don’t think about how one person can mean to someone, untill it happens to them, he was like my second dad and without him in my life to this day I still have the feeling of emptiness, like something is missing from me and I know the thing that’s missing is the presence of my grandfather, from this I can say I deffienetly learned a lot,such as you don’t know what you have untill its gone, two days before he died everything was perfect I was sitting on his lap eating dinner and never thought anything of it, no one knew when