In the world there is a huge amount of different languages that we can use to express or communicate. The stimulus mentioned above refers English as the mainly language spoken all over the world which will probably never disappear, but how far do people agree with that?
Firstly, it is true that English is expanding through all the countries and learned it by more and more population as part of their education. To explain this, I would say that English is taught in almost every school from children´s infancy or primary school to the rest of their studies. In addition to it, English is used as one of the principal languages to communicate on business or specific and technological vocabulary, words such as marketing, fashion… are becoming daily used in people´s life.
Several linguists are showing that the world is getting used to speak one main language which will be soon spread and known by approximately all the population.
However, on the other hand, English has never been the most spoken language in the world so… Why will it be now? There are numerous languages for humans to communicate, as well as, if we came back to the origin of English, it comes from Germany and have expand around the world during the years. Moreover, English has different dialects, for example American English is not the same as the British English. Thus, in order of having English as the predominant language which of these will be chosen?
To conclude, I would say that there is no wrong or correct to this stimulus as one part of the population can think that the development of English is absolutely important and it is getting over all the world, but the rest is able to think differently. We don´t need to forget that since the beginning of the existence in the world there have been multiples languages spoken depending on the part of the world on which we are situated.