Personal Responsibility
Personal Responsibility Personal responsibility is simply choosing the hard right over the easy wrong. Personal responsibility means accepting and behaving in accordance with societies’ standards of conduct and being a law abiding citizen (R. Haskins July 2009). Making choices and taking action in accordance with high standards of conduct based on a strong foundation of ethics, morals, values and competence. People who possess and practice personal responsibility are more successful students and this carries over into career success. People with poor responsibility are more at risk for failure, leading unhappy lives and struggle with self esteem. I think the relationship between personal responsibility and being a successful college student is know your weaknesses and strengths, applying your identified strengths, seeking assistance when necessary, utilizing tools and resources, and using proven techniques to overcome your weaknesses. Knowing you are a strong organizer and planner will allow you to use this to enhance performance and achieve quality course work. If one knows a weak area includes high stress and anxiety resulting in inhibiting your success, there are plenty of proven and effective ways to help alleviate stress and or anxiety. This will assist the student in overcoming obstacles towards achieving the, goals, objectives, and what you are committed to in order to accomplish the educational outcome you desire and want. There are many objective paths for educational pursuits; it may mean the desired final result is an associates, bachelors, masters, PHD, or even just to learn a new skill set to enhance one’s marketability and career progression chances. A good quote reference explaining personal responsibility relating to education: “When applied to education, personal responsibility means that students accept the responsibility to study hard and to learn as much as they can in courses that press against the limits of their capacity. For most
References: Haskins R. (July 2009). The Sequence of Personal Responsibility. The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and unplanned Pregnancy. Retrieved February 1, 2013, from