Many factors can contribute to a person success in college, however the student is most responsible for his or her success. Granted Factors such as family, peers, instructors, and circumstances sometimes play a role in the decisions we make, each individual should be held fully accountable for themselves. As an adult you have the absolute freedom to make any choice you want and should be ready to face the consequences that come along with those choices. The demise of personal responsibility occurs when individual began to blame others for their own failure. Personal responsibility means to me that each person should take responsibility for all decisions, challenges and circumstances presented in their life. We have to take accountability for what we think, do, and say. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, and someone who caused or created it. Personal responsibility does not involve playing the blame game or finger pointing, you are now shifting responsibility from one person to the next. You cannot go looking for factors outside of yourself to blame. Personal responsibility starts with being responsible for the choices that we make and the outcomes that follow. You cannot chose to skip class on test day and blame the teacher for not allowing a retake. We sometimes fail to realize that avoiding a choice is a choice within itself and it shows that you are holding yourself accountable by choosing to make the right choice.
The relationship between personal responsibility and college success is a close knit relationship. College success in inevitable without knowing what you want out of it, setting and maintaining goals, and implementing those into your education. Knowing what you want to get out of college is major in preparing your college success. You can take charge of your own learning, complete assignments on time, study for test and give the best performance that you can. Set realistic and