Michele Blevins
GEN 200
February 2, 2013
Kelly Gross
Personal responsibility and personal growth go hand-in-hand with success in education. Personal responsibility is the key to success in school. Responsibility goes hand-in-hand with success, happiness, and achievement.
A person has to be mentally able to accept personal responsibility and delegate their responsibility appropriately. “The acceptance of personal responsibility is what separates the adult from the child. It’s that leap into maturity that distinguishes your ability to accept responsibility” (Johnson, Geal). Accepting that you are responsible for what you choose to feel or think and the direction for your life. Accepting that you cannot blame others for the choices you have made. Taking an honest inventory of your strengths, abilities, talents, virtues, and positive points can help one better understand their situation.
When you have not accepted personal responsibility, you can run the risk of becoming dependent on others for approval, acceptance, and fearful about ever taking a risk or making a decision. One can become physical and emotionally unhealthy. In accepting responsibility one has to be open to new ideas or concepts about life.
Creating balance in your life involves taking responsibility for making appropriate choices for yourself and your life. “Personal growth requires a change in self-image. Self-image has a great deal to do with our development towards realizing our own potential. The important fact behind your development is that you want to take the risk of developing” (Johnson, Geal). When you are at that mentality stage you can accept responsibility and delegate your responsibilities in the correct manner. Practicing good time management, planning, and goal settings skills are an important factor in achievements in education. Goal setting is a powerful process for thinking about
Bibliography: Daily Outlook Afghanistan. (2013, Jan 02). Worth of self-accountability. Retrieved from http://search.proguest.com/docview/1266219934?accountid=35812 Johnson, B., & Geal, M. (2009). Personal growth. Training Journal, ,46-49. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/202951886?accountid= Daily Gleaner. (2011, Sep 06). Taking personal responsibility. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/887612423?accountid=35812 Explanation I had a hard time gathering my sources together as there is so much information to process and to look through. I think I spent all day to trying to find the right sources for my essay. At the end I can say that I am more familiar with the University Library. It has so many different features to help you locate the correct source. Eventually I came to rely on these three sources that I feel will have an impact on my Personal Responsibility Essay. The first article I chose was the worth of self-accountability. In this article I believe that my essay will benefit from this because it describes the process of being accountable for one’s actions and how to deal with certain situations that might arise whether in school or your personal life. It gives a better understanding on how to view yourself and what can make you better. The second article that I choose was personal growth and how to obtain it. This article explores that self-image in relation to being able to be more effective at what we want to achieve. You not only have do self-reflection but also apply it in your life. Not only do you need to change your self -image to be successful but you also need to be able to change your behavior or this will not work. The last article that I choose was taking personal responsibility. This article stresses the fact that you are where you are because of who you are. Everything that exists in your life exists because of you, because of your behavior. The acceptance of personal responsibility is what separates the adult from the child. Responsibility goes hand in hand with success in every area of your life. It also brings out the fact that accepting responsibility you are being accountable for yourself and not blaming others or making excuses for your actions. In the end I want to make my essay the best it can be and I believe that with these sources that I was able to obtain my essay will encompass the thought that personal responsibility and personal growth go hand in hand with success in education.